Creative Zen X-Fi 16/32 Gb Availability?

15 Feb 2006
What the hell is going on with these things?

I've spent yesterday and this morning searching the shops in the city centre for one of the 16Gb models.

Absolutely EVERY shop, chain and outlet you'd expect to find one has them BUT ONLY the 8Gb version which is not only too small for my needs, but DOESN'T have the Wi-Fi capability.

Slackworth!!!!!.....sort it mate and I'll be in to pick one up :D
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Erm ever considered the fact that he might have got done by a mod for breaking a rule? :P

Edit: That too ^!

No idea, that's why I'm asking :D

Don't MODS usually put a reason for editing? The second half of the post seems quite relevant and helpful, hence the confusion :)

Anyway, back to topic.......Spoke to FATBOY at OcUK on my way home from work today and the 16Gb & 32Gb models should be in stock in approx 5 working days. Looks like Creative are aiming the "Soft Launch" approach at the low end 8gb - 8Gb being too small for most discerning audiophiles :D
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