Creators update HDR

30 Nov 2011

For anyone using the latest update and the ability to have your desktop in HDR as apposed to just supported games. Am I missing something? I have turned it off as it just looks odd. I mean the fact that none of the content is in HDR just seems strange they would have this as an option no? Using a KS8000 as a monitor/TV.

The supported games triggered HDR anyway so im not sure what the idea of having the ability to have it permanently enabled is?
what do you mean no content ?

HDR content using the wide rec2020 color space can be available inside browser, utube videos/flickr pictures, so enabling it should display them correctly.
equally if you are into wallpapers should be able to have a rec2020 image too.


How do you enable in browser hdr on youtube? I read a while ago that it was only supported with certain TVs app and the chromecast ultra? I have never used flickr I shall take a look at it, not even entirley sure what it is haha. I thought it was just an imageshack type site?

This appears to be totally broken. None of the supported games are triggering HDR on my TV and even the desktop seems to be hit and miss, sometimes I boot the PC and the desktop is in HDR other times (mostly) its not.

I have the display set to 4:2:2 4k 10bit as before the creators update. It used to works fine, all the supported games would trigger HDR. Now nothing does!!! All drivers/windows is fully updated.

I tried to google the issue and it seems im not the only one. TV is Samsung KS8000 if anyone has any ideas?

I have a different TV but what i have found:

I have to set the Nvidia display to "use default colour settings" instead of the usual "use NVIDIA colour settings". I then have to set HDR in the windows display settings. This activates HDR on my TV. However, the screen is really dim and washed out. This has to do with how windows has implemented HDR. It isn't taking into account my SDR brightness and contrast (i guess its setting them to 0 luminance). But, when i play HDR in the tv and movies app HDR is working and the picture is great.

If i set 10bit 4:2:2 in the nvidia colour settings, the screen will stay in HDR mode (seems like it is working), however it is very flakey and i find that more often than not the tv resets to SDR or colours are skewed etc. Sometimes it works, normally straight after changing it, but soon after playing about with a mixture of SDR games and HDR games it breaks.

With the games. I can comfirm i have had all working in HDR since the creators update. Mass effect HDR works correctly using the "use default colour settings". However, of the top of my head, i do remember having to fiddle a little with another game (but that could just be when i was experimenting with different colur settings to get HDR working). I will get back with my findings later.


Thanks for the tips! After selecting "defualt colour settings" I can now play HDR Games again correctly. The desktop is still all washed out and just not right like yours.

Also with HDR on in windows when playing a SDR game it looks all orange and the colours are wrong, so I need to disable HDR before staring an SDR game. Hopefully microsoft/nvidea are working on the issue!

I will update this thread if I manage to get it working, if you could do the same that would be great. There does not seem to be much info on the subject or just my google fu letting me down haha.

Anybody had any more luck with this? I have just avoided it for a few weeks in the hope that nvidea drivers/windows updates would be sorted by now. It seem it is not and I cant even get Mass Effect to trigger HDR at all now!
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