So on Monday I find multiple Meta, Facebook advertisement charges on my credit card, a few quid each occurrence. No biggie. The Barclays fraud line even called me, fantastic. So account is frozen and new card dispatched.
New card arrived today, damn thing was still stuck to the letter when ANOTHER bunch of transactions are pending for advertisement chargers, all for today. What the heck I’m thinking?
Call the line and explain I thought old card number was blocked and considering I’ve not even looked at the replacement card number, let alone enter it into any device, I’m at a loss to explain how these new transactions could come about.
Was told these likely “reoccurring transactions were passed onto your account”. Not a clue how that works because you’d assume the same old, cancelled card number would be rejected. Anyway, they’ve cancelled this fresh card and….will send me another one.
I mean, one wonders how long this could go on for. Am I to expect it to happen again in a few days? The guy on the phone was essentially a robot, reading from a script to the point I recognised the words exactly as the first time I called.
So yeah. Good job I’ve got a backup credit card with another firm because if it happens a 3rd time I’ll just close the account.
Anyone else had this reoccurring issue before? What a palarver.
New card arrived today, damn thing was still stuck to the letter when ANOTHER bunch of transactions are pending for advertisement chargers, all for today. What the heck I’m thinking?
Call the line and explain I thought old card number was blocked and considering I’ve not even looked at the replacement card number, let alone enter it into any device, I’m at a loss to explain how these new transactions could come about.
Was told these likely “reoccurring transactions were passed onto your account”. Not a clue how that works because you’d assume the same old, cancelled card number would be rejected. Anyway, they’ve cancelled this fresh card and….will send me another one.
I mean, one wonders how long this could go on for. Am I to expect it to happen again in a few days? The guy on the phone was essentially a robot, reading from a script to the point I recognised the words exactly as the first time I called.
So yeah. Good job I’ve got a backup credit card with another firm because if it happens a 3rd time I’ll just close the account.
Anyone else had this reoccurring issue before? What a palarver.