Credit Controller - anyone is one?

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Due to a couple of unexpected turn of events outside my control, when life gives you lemons, lemonades and all that......I managed to land myself an interview for a Senior Credit Controller role in a company (commercial debt) really close to home but my credit control experience are quite minimal.

Does anyone have any advice on this and what advice they could give in terms of the job.
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If the job is similar to what credit controllers do for my employer, your job will basically be debt collection by phone. You pester people to pay up, negotiate terms and payment plans. You will prepare reports for the management and it will be expected from you to keep a detailed history (income, other debt, current residence) of every debtor.
If the job is similar to what credit controllers do for my employer, your job will basically be debt collection by phone. You pester people to pay up, negotiate terms and payment plans. You will prepare reports for the management and it will be expected from you to keep a detailed history (income, other debt, current residence) of every debtor.

Yeah, pretty much what I expect. Thick skin, methodical, spreadsheet and good with dealing with people I guess are the key skills.
A thick skin absolutely. Our credit controllers are always very big strong characters who take no crap. Think of it like sales where no one wants to buy your product but more often than not a hostile conversation.
Sorry for a little sidetracking on this but it's a genuine question...

Flatmate was being chased by debt collectors calling our flat (about 10 years ago now) for money he didn't know he owed (phone bill not paid final amount he was told eventually) but they always started the conversation with "Hello Mr Ross you confirm your address".

Being the highly skeptical person he was he just kept refusing citing the fact that why should he give his address to an unconfirmed person on the phone.

The flat got calls two or three times a year for about 3 years (some of which I answered) and they'd all just start the conversation the same way - assuming it was him and asking to confirm his address. It was actually while I was on the phone to them that I convinced them there wasn't a chance in hell "I" would confirm "my" address and they went on to say it was a debt company chasing a debt of £70 for an unpaid phone bill. From looking it up online together it seemed pretty crazy to give that information to someone they hadn't conformed the identity of so called them out on it and asked to talk to their line manager.

Following that, for the 6months longer we stayed there, we got no calls and until I last spoke to him (like 3 or 4 years ago) he's heard nothing.

So, like, how do you actually convince people they owe debt on a phone?
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