CRG 9 / new monitor clicking noise.. is it normal?

19 May 2012
Hey, so I have a perfect panel CRG 9 at last. However, I'm getting some pretty persistent "clicking" sound from the monitor. It seems to be similar to the sound i get with my 65 inch TV when it first turns on.. and maybe once every 30 minutes.. except this is happening.. like 5-10x in the first 10 minutjes it on every so often.

Is this normal for a new monitor?
My dad has advised that as its a new monitor, sometimes its just a week break in period as its new.. heat expansion blahblah.. whcih i'll give a it a try with but i dont remember any other monitor in recent memory havign this issue. i've already tried a different power supply which didnt work.

i also tried switching the display port (dunno why) and didnt work. the click seems to be on the periphery of the monitor. like either isde.
I can see it settling down after some use but mine hasn't exhibited such behaviour. I'll run it with radio off etc and really listen.

thanks, this really isn't my ocd either. its quite consistent, especially when powering it on. it slowly decreases in frequency but definitley not for the first 10-20 minutes which is just annoying af.

i can't believe i have to potentially go through a fourth panel.
Also I have noticed a weird smell coming from the right side of the panel? If I smell the bezel it sounds strange? Is this just internals warning up.. or... ?
Long range diagnosis is always guess work but the clicking and smell suggest to me something is getting too warm. An IR spot meter or thermal camera would be useful but you would need a comparison point.

thats what I'm thinking.. not sure whether to go through rainforest for the THIRD return.. or RMA samsung. I'm guessing I'll be better protected with rainforest but I'm sure they'll probably ban me at this point due to the multiple returns of this monitor which is ashame.
I've reseated the power supply and its greatly decreased the frequency of the clicks... although they still do occur. I really dont wanna give up this pertfect panel at present.
Hi, I just got the same monitor and trying to find something similar about the noises I found this post, so let’s see if I can get some light in all of this...

Basically, when I power on the screen it starts to click like some kind of electrical pop. Like a mosquito that burns on that kind of uv lights, but quieter. It makes that sound usually in the middle of the screen and one of the corners. But let’s say like after 30 minutes it stops suddenly.

I was thinking that it was related with the amount of power being managed by the monitor. So the highest settings you use, the higher it will tick, but no. After some time I tried everything (movies, browsing, gaming) and no more ticks. So I decided to shutdown everything and wait, and after 5 minutes the sounds appeared again with the monitor powered off.

Something wrong with the plastics used? Still electrical issue? I pretty lost about what it could be behind...

It seems like a heat thing, or at least that would make sense in that its thermal expansion and clicks when its expanding (heating) and then going back to normal (cooling).

However the noise doesn't sound like that at all and sounds like an electrical pop.

At least your stopped after 30 minutes. Mine never properly settled on 3/4 CRG9s I handled. It would definitely decrease in timing but would continue.

Also after re-seating the power supply, it didn't properly sort out the issue so I refunded it.

The CRG9 sums up to me everything which Samsung is. Great innovation with awesome product ideas but hampered by poor build quality, poor design and poor QA.
I kept mine on overnight and then constantly on for a couple of days in a row to see if it would settle. It didn't.

If yours sorts itself out after 10 minutes, then its not really the end of the world. Mine kept going (albiet less frequently). But I know in a PES match (6 mins) it happened LOADS.
I couldn't cope with it for the price paid, so returned it and got a 55'' OLED which I feel is a much better experience (same physical width as CRG9).

I miss the curve though. Either way its a great screen. If I were you'd, I'd think about returning it and just waiting for the G9. If it comes in too high of a price, get the CRG9 again and hopefully its a non clicky one.
The G9 looks fantastic!
I do believe that the price is going to be fairly steep for that one though, but if I could afford it, that would be the end all be all for sure.

The clicking completely stopped for me currently after reconfiguring my setup (using different cables and rearranging everything slightly) - I've been using it all day and it's completely gone at the moment.
I don't think plugging it straight into the mains with a longer kettle lead solved it, neither did the new DP cable, but it was most likely just useage.
I've stopped messing about with the settings and switching it on and off like a maniac and now I can confirm that it settles after 30 minutes fully, without any further clicks happening after turning it on.
It'll maybe do one every 2 hours, if that.

I think what I had was just anxiety over the new product working properly, and frankly I still think that any amount of clicks even for 10 minutes after startup should be unacceptable at the higher end range, which I believe this monitor sits at, or used to sit at at one point in time at least.

However I do only use headphones at my desk, so that'll help bridge that gap, and today I was incredibly happy with how I could run my work program, have my references up and have my outlook on the left to not miss any work mails.

I will still consider fully what to do by the end of this week, but I'm pretty much sold on wanting to keep this one - it's a substantial jump in quality from my Predator x34, which I had for many years now and totally adored as well.

I do hope that you yourself will get the G9 though so that I may read about it on this forum. :p

Haha I doubt it. I think I’m getting the LG 77’’ oled.
I cba with lcd anymore.
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