Critique my Macro - Please.

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol
I love photographing insects/bugs etc. up close.

I posted one recently , a Praying Mantis , and the ( totally justified ) comment was that " the focus was ever so slightly off the eyes ".

I interpret this as the eye should be the focal point of the image ?

Here's another ( cropped and reduced for web ), if anyone cares to comment. ( Taken on a houseplant on my windowsill , Konica Dimage Z10/Macro )


You defintiely got the focus point correct there.

Unfortunately the DOF is quite large, but I think this is a result of using a compact camera.
Still think the focus is off, it seems to be sharper around the leg area than the eye. Also, as mentioned, the DOF is too large. The background is somewhat destracting too. Try and place your subject up against contrasing colours, it has more impact in macro photography as in this image the insect seems to blend in with the background. This would be becasue of the DOF as well.

EDIT: It could probably do with a contrast boost and a slight saturation.
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The problem for me with this image is that its at an angle that doesnt work and because you are above the subject, it just feels... wrong. If you were to take this shot again I would try and change that.

I am not looking at the photo from a calibrated monitor so I cannot comment on contrast and colours but I would say the subject just doesnt stand out from the background.

Having said all of that, considering the camera used etc then its not at all a bad shot, certainly a great effort on your part.
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