Critique my website!

30 Sep 2003

This is my new personal site which I'll be using for my blog, photo gallery etc. as well as info about me. I wanted to create a site which was easy to use but also original (not another samey WordPress site!)

It's by no means finished but I'd be grateful for comments and criticism!
yeah it looks ok, reads ok too (in terms of the white on black) but im not sure about the centre justified text on your home page - just looks.....odd?

the colours of the headings look a bit dodge, if you style them in your style sheet (reference them with classes and use <span>) then you can use the hex values which tends to look a bit better. that brings me on to the next point, you've a few too many (imho) in-line styles, i'd stick them all in the stylesheet tbh, makes it easier to change later.

other than it looks ok to me :)

Thanks guys.

I think I've squashed all the inline styles now. Not sure what to do about the headers on the homepage though. I agree they look dodgy but I've tried it with them white and IMO it looks worse. Any suggestions?

(edit) Those in FF can see the white headings by changing stylesheet under View > Page Style. Better or worse?
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I like the looks!
But - and I don't mean to be rude - what's the point?
What I mean is, who wants to read your biography that doesn't already know you? Photo gallery, fair enough, but the rest?

I made a similar site a few years ago, but removed it after I realised there was really no point spending my time writing the pointless stuff.

If I were you, I'd use the time and space to create a brilliant looking photo album.
To be honest... I'm not sure where it's going. Once I've finished writing the static pages I'm just gonna keep updating the blog and gallery.

The main idea of writing it was to improve my web design skills, which I think it has a lot as it's the first site I've written totally in CSS and semantic code. See here for previous table and IFRAME monstrosity :)
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Mattus said:

This is my new personal site which I'll be using for my blog, photo gallery etc. as well as info about me. I wanted to create a site which was easy to use but also original (not another samey WordPress site!)

It's by no means finished but I'd be grateful for comments and criticism!

Hmmmm, I think it needs some kind of border or something.

I tried editing a border in but it just didn't look right. There's something missing & I'm not sure what it is :(
What I think:

I think that it's too dark and the background vector doesn't really add much appealing. The white text appears unstructured really as it takes up so much of the page. While the colours break it up I still don't reckon they provide enough of a break to know where and what you're supposed to be reading.

I reckon for improvements you could add a bit more structure to the home, and invite people to visit your other pages more, the header doesn't really tell you anything about the website. :)
Not keen on it, the trouble with black sites they only look good if done right.

I'm afraid yours is pretty bland. Nice idea trying to inject some colours into the headings, but those colours are quite nasty in my opinion, go for lighter versions.

For example..

#3DAFFF is a nicer blue.
iCraig said:
#3DAFFF is a nicer blue.

Yeah, it is... gonna try and find some nicer colours to match it but I'm not too good with colour schemes...

Any other ideas to make it less bland?
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