CRM - Suggestions?

12 Jun 2004
We're looking at getting a new warehouse software solution (eg Netsuite,Orderwise) and we're looking at our customer support team.

Any recommendations from the OCUK world?

We use Zendesk at the moment.
Could you provide a little more information on your requirements? Channel integrations, courier integrations, ecomm etc?

Sorry, realising I have been quite vague.

To be honest, this is very 'new' as we haven't ever had automation. We haven't decided on the warehouse management software yet.

For requirements, a way of linking customer tickets to pick up any orders they have placed with us so nothing advanced etc. :)

@shifty_uk - We want to see, well find a way, of linking ticket management software to warehouse management software. We're quite new as we haven't previously had integration so even 'minimal' will be amazing.
My advice would be to start with the warehouse solution, ensure you have this nailed in terms of efficiency and data flow ie order references from shipping partners etc.

Integration from there is easy. Veeqo for example has a pre-built integration module for Freshdesk.

If you're currently using Zendesk, it's super simple to migrate data and users to alternatives if planned correctly.

I personally don't like Zapier but there's an abundance of workflows available for WMS / CRM tools.

Happy for you to DM me if you want to catch up offline for a quick chat or any further advice I can give.

How do I message you on DM? :o
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