crosshair IV red cpu light

18 Feb 2009
Behind you
So my rig was slowly dying over the first couple of weeks i was home, eventually started hanging in the bios then just refusing to post at all. I was using a foxconn a7da-s 3.0 and a phenom 555 unlocked to quad. I blamed the board as i have always had similar issues with it but not as severe. Like i said theyve been gradually getting worse.

I snapped up a crosshair iv on the cheap from ocuks bgrade section. After spending 5 days chasing our elusive DX delivery guy (long story) i finally got it this morning. Set it up on my desk, stuck a stick of ram, 555 and my 5770 in, plugged a monitor, keyboard and power in and started it up. Wouldnt post and the red cpu light lit up, suggesting that it was in fact my trusty 555 that had fried.

A quick dash down to the ocuk warehouse and shelled out another 90 quid for a 960T as i wanted to be back up and running before xmas. Only just got in, popped the 960 in and the board still wouldnt post, and the cpu light was once again lit. I find it pretty had to believe a cpu is DOA so am i right in thinking ive bought a duff motherbord from b grade? (bearing in mind that the board in question does have an RMA sticker on it, suggesting that the previous owner may have had issues as well)

The foxconn is currently on its way to RMA heaven so i cant really try that. Had mr delivery guy come when he was supposed to i may have saved myself a considerable amount of money...
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