Crossover / WINE questions

Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
What does Crossover offer which WINE can't do? In other words is it work paying for it?

Crossover appears to be a subscription service. After the first year then does it still work but you simply lose the option of upgrades and support?

Thank you.
I haven't used Crossover, but I occasionally use WINE for some old Windows games.

CrossOver is useful for those who have apps that they really rely on and want to make sure that they'll install and function correctly, and remain so through future upgrades of WINE. You might also choose to subscribe to CrossOver to help further WINE development as they are a major contributor to the project.

From the pricing page, you get the full version of the software to install - so not time-limited at all. Of the "one year" option - at the end you'll just lose the upgrades/support/renewal pricing, but you'll be able to keep using the software and reinstall if necessary.
How different is crossover to playonlinux? (free)

They seem to be very similar, both support running multiple versions of wine & multiple 'bottles' (env)

I personally use scripts & set $WINEPREFIX for apps/games if required.
I don't run many windows apps/games on linux tho.
I tried PlayOnLinux in the distant past but I found it obscure and quirky. I too now just use my own scripts and set up separate WINE prefixes for each game/app - it's simple to do and I don't have any problems managing this from bash.

In comparing CrossOver and POL, CO will always have broader app support as they seem to have a viable funding model and so have far more resources than POL - I haven't seen any news from POL for nearly a year now.
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