Crucial Ballistics and DFI boards.

18 Oct 2002
Forest of Dean

I am having all sorts of problems with this memory (2 x 512's) in both my Ultra-D and 875P-T boards.

Basicaly no matter which slot, how many sticks i put in or how i configure the bios's (both on current bios's) Memtest throws up errors straight away but if i drop them into my housemate's poxy old Asrock Skt A unit they happily sit there and will run perfectly and i can loop Memtest to my hearts content with no errors at all.

Anyone have any ideas as to what i can do other than selling or swapping the ****** things.



These also ran fine in my Epox 9NDA3J.
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Good call, in my frustration i didn't think of that. Have set the timings manualy in the Ultra-D and i get no errors at all :D, i'm going to loop the test for a bit just to make sure...cheers dude.

Ahh crap spoke too soon it just took longer to bring up errors. :( I think this memory has had it to be honest i think i shall be phoning Crucial on Monday.
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Ok time to admit to not reading all the figures in the bios properly like a muppet :rolleyes: .

Tomos after reading through some post on DFI Street i installed that very bios on my Ultra-D but what i didn't register was that the memory was defaulting to 2.4v when it should have been 2.8v so it was way under volted and even when i put it up to 2.6v it still threw out some errors, so after a quick google search to determin the right voltage and setting it thus the memory in my Ultra-D has been doing a continuous loop of memtest (23 so far) for almost 6 and a half hours now without any faults :D , to be honest i don't care if it doesn't work in the 875 now as i have at least one set of working memory for both boards but i may as well try it just to see if that was the problem.

Cheers for all the suggestions guy's

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