Crucial Ballistix 2gb Dual Channel Kits

25 Nov 2004
Anyone able to confirm if there are still problems with these modules? I remember back in december when I was ram hunting everyone was RMAing them. I want to get a pair and hopefully do some good overclocking @ 1:1 (265 - 290mhz fsb) but not so keen if I am going to have to RMA them every week. Thanks for your help.
Still problems, they've stopped making the 2gb kits, so if yours dies you get 4x512mb sticks as a replacement, fantastic deal eh? </sarcasm>
trojan698 said:
Still problems, they've stopped making the 2gb kits, so if yours dies you get 4x512mb sticks as a replacement, fantastic deal eh? </sarcasm>

Think they also give you option of refund but not sure if from another retailor
Penfold99 said:
I could not get a refund as I ordered from OCUK so they sent me 3gig of crucial 3200 stuff

Unless you need 3gb of memory then you would have been better getting ocuk to swap them for a different brand. That way you can still run dual channal with 2 sticks
OcUK replaced mine,after many RMA's to Crucial. Won't ever buy crucial again

5 rma's in less than a year :mad:great customer service,crap product !!
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ted34 said:
Unless you need 3gb of memory then you would have been better getting ocuk to swap them for a different brand. That way you can still run dual channal with 2 sticks

OCUK would not swap or give me a refund, so I accepted the 3gig from Crucial
Cyber-Mav said:
ballistix 1 gig sticks are just as bad as Qtec psu's

No they are not - Crucial Ram actually works well ... when it works. Qtec PSU's are cack from the word go.

I just sent my BallisitX Tracer back today for RMA - geezer on phone said that I will get 2x1gb sticks from a new batch of modules that arrived in the last few weeks. As I questioned him about the fact that loads of people have had to RMA and people have been getting 4x 512mb instead.

He wouldnt give me a refund as it had been too long :( This time around if I have any problems I will demand a refund.
Bought my Crucial 2GB (2x1GB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit (BL2KIT12864Z503) back in December and graduly they have started dieing slowly now they won't even run at 200mhz at rated timings and voltages even upto 2.9v so ive sent an email to Crucial to get them replaced.

If they try to give me 4 x 512mb I will just tell them NO. Reason why I bought Crucial was for the 2 x 1GB so they can't replace your 2 sticks with 4 seperate sticks thats just not cricket. If they can't give you an equal product then they have to give you a better product and if they can't do that then its refund time.

I bought mine from OCUK so could always ask them to replace them which they are obliged to do. And if they had any decency they would offer to replace them with memory from another manufacturer and stop selling these troublesome Crucial Ballistix kits as they know there is an extremely high failure rate so its a wise move all round to stop selling them at least, especially when Crucial have stopped producing them that tells a story in its own right.
Bolluxistix failed again

A couple of months ago I RMA'd my 3 week old 2 Gig Bolluxistix PC4000 and one stick is failing again already. I am going to phone Crucial tommorow and will post their current RMA product here!

I spent a lot of money on these as I wanted to run my 3700 at its sweet spot of 250x11 without worrying about the memory :mad:

I purchased from OC's and am not feeling too good about them at this time! Do they honour their customers rights? Some of the replies here don't seem to support this! And, they are still selling these kits!!! :confused:
m3csl2004 said:
does anybody have some of these that work? - what speeds can they do?

I've had mine since last July, 250, 3-3-3-8, 1T, 2.8v. Never had a problem with them, I seem to be the only one however. :D
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