Crucial Ballistix>what speeds?

14 Jul 2005
Portishead, Bristol
Should be getting some brand new RMA replacment Crucial 1GB (2x512MB) DDR PC4000 Ballistix Dual Channel Kit off a mate whos swapping them with my OCZ (see sig).

Just wandering what people have had these too, timings etc and any tips? I'd be more intrested to hear from Intel boys as to AMD as thats what there going in. Basicly the way AMD works is totaly differnt to Intel on ram...belive

Let me know


I'd like to take the heat spreaders off and find out exactly what they are...they are there so bloody tight. Got any ideas and tips on how to get them off to find out what my ram really really really is?

I wan't some Intel happy ram
I rant it enough and i think the tidy oc in my sig says it all mate

So you now agree to dump the ocz plats and get the ballistix
So what should i do??

i have no idea what my OCZ are, they could be TCCD or TCC% no one know a sthere is mixted batched out ever marked up v1.1 etc etc
Gay..............wish i never bought this crap now

Pc's are now starting to get on my ****. Just had one of pumps go bang on me, was cool seeing the sparks and water light up blue hehehehe
My feet are near it as it's outta the case on some boxs. Tempation to walk on it and buy a normal every day pc is so there right now or to go test what it looks like being huretled fro my St24 @ 154mph (stops there, bloody restircted)

Still what to do about ram let see what these sticks really are.

Back @ stock now no OC at all

How can i get these spreader up to check one of the chips to see what they really are
So can you explaine how memtest works? Do i need to oc b4 i run memtest ie bios oc exit memtest
Got bord!!!

TCC5 they are



Says it on every IC on the stick, only did one stick
They are still as shocking as they have ever been and really crap. Fact they are going in the bin i no longer care about these. Im with all the people on xs that have had nowt but issue with these stick of ***** crap from both 2 sides of the globe. OCZ have been no help at all.

Possibly heading this way if they keep playing up AGHHHHHHHHHH
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stvmor said:
Woah down there Drasic, this is supposed to be fun! ;)
Does your OCZ run ok at stock timings?
What are stock timings?
How is it failing?
Are you overclocking in small steps, checking temperature and stability. do the sticks feel hot to the touch? Are you upping Vdimm to combat instability?

Always remember that if it runs at stock timings its doing what you paid for :rolleyes: and what makes you think Ballistix will do any better than stock timings and if they do, how long will they last? :eek:

Nah mate this aint fun at all. Been going on for 5 months now and im well jipsi kiss off.

Seams to be okat at stock. 2.5-2-2-5

I got to 4ghz 250mhz or 4.2ghz and 263mhz and it wont run prime at all

Tenps are fine totaly and volts are all okay and being upped to match but the stick are hot

I seen better results and the stick do 4.6ghz prime stable with far better timings.
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