Crypt or MD5?

2 May 2004
Just wondered what's more uncrackable?




Or is there anything else even more secure that can be used to e.g. store user password in a database?


To me it seems like crypt() is more secure as the generate string is random each time.

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Bah, PHP 4.3.0... my PHP is running on 4.1.1 atm >.<

Suppose I'll update.


Been using PHPTriad on my Windows server... but that's discontinued :(

Can anyone suggest me a installer package that'll install Apache, MySQL & PHP for Windows please?
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Thanks very much, looks perfect.

Will I need to be changing any of my coding 'styles' to move onto PHP 5?

Example of my coding 'style':

include "includes/config.php";

$sql = "SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo '
            <td>Column 1</td>
            <td>Column 2</td>
            <td>Column 3</td>

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  $1 = $row['column1'];
  $2 = $row['column2'];
  $3 = $row['column3'];

  echo '

echo '  </table>';


I'm not sure if that's a good example as I'm not sure what has changed in v5.

Craig321 said:
Thanks very much, looks perfect.

Will I need to be changing any of my coding 'styles' to move onto PHP 5?

Example of my coding 'style':

include "includes/config.php";

$sql = "SELECT column1, column2, column3 FROM table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo '
            <td>Column 1</td>
            <td>Column 2</td>
            <td>Column 3</td>

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  $1 = $row['column1'];
  $2 = $row['column2'];
  $3 = $row['column3'];

  echo '

echo '  </table>';


I'm not sure if that's a good example as I'm not sure what has changed in v5.


That'll run fine on PHP 5.

If you're not using any special functions or classes, I wouldn't worry about it.
PHP5 adds a lot of things, but almost all of it is backwards compatible, so 99.99% of PHP4 code works flawlessly on PHP5 without modification :)
robmiller said:
PHP5 adds a lot of things, but almost all of it is backwards compatible, so 99.99% of PHP4 code works flawlessly on PHP5 without modification :)

Okay, thanks Robbo :)

Also, I got SHA1("string"); working with my updated PHP but I'm not sure what you meant by "with a randomly generated, user-specific salt."?

There's not much of an explanation on sha1 on >.<


Got and example off one of the comments and I guess this is what you meant?:


$string = $_POST['string'];

$salt = pack("CCCC", mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand());
$hash = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($string . $salt)) . $salt);

echo $hash;


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Craig321 said:
Just wondered what's more uncrackable?




Or is there anything else even more secure that can be used to e.g. store user password in a database?


To me it seems like crypt() is more secure as the generate string is random each time.


If someone is able to execute querys aghainst your username/password table to access the encrypted content then the strength of the encryption is the least of your worries....
Visage said:
If someone is able to execute querys aghainst your username/password table to access the encrypted content then the strength of the encryption is the least of your worries....

They don't have to have access to the database―almost every site includes a password hash in a cookie to remember someone's logon, and it's not improbable for someone's cookies to get stolen.

Hashing the password with a salt is just extending a courtesy to the user; they might have their account for that site stolen if an attacker accesses their cookies/the database, but even if they use the same password everywhere they won't get their plaintext password stolen.
Thanks :)

Couldn't I just do this rather than having the whole extra salt column?:

$string = $_POST['string'];

$salt = pack("CCCC", mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand(), mt_rand());
$hash = base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1($string . $salt)) . $salt);

echo $hash;

//From here I can post the $hash into the users password column... 


Ah, just noticed that on the page you linked me to it says you need the salt column to verify the users details when they log-in.

Thanks :)


Just came up with this, is this all correct? It all seems to work when echoing out the results, but is it actually correct?:

include "includes/config.php";

define('SALT_LENGTH', 8);

$username = $_POST['username'];
$userPassword = $_POST['password'];

$salt = substr(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, SALT_LENGTH);

$prepend = $salt . $userPassword;

$hashed = sha1($prepend);

$sql = "INSERT INTO users (username, salt, password) VALUES ('$username', '$salt', '$hashed')";

	echo 'Thanks for signing up!';
	echo 'Error!<br>' . mysql_error();

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Right, I've just written this system (it's unsecure right now - haven't done form safety, SQL safety yet etc.) it's not finished, but it uses a random salt with sha1.

process_signup.php - I haven't added all the security checks and stuff yet (please point out any I might forget though! :)) - mainly look at the way I've stored/uses passwords please.

include "includes/config.php";

define('SALT_LENGTH', 8);

$username = strip_tags($_POST['username']);
$userPassword = strip_tags($_POST['password']);

$salt = substr(sha1(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, SALT_LENGTH);

$prepend = $salt . $userPassword;

$hashed = sha1($prepend);

$sql = "INSERT INTO users (username, salt, password) VALUES ('$username', '$salt', '$hashed')";

	echo 'Thanks for signing up!';
	echo 'Error!<br>' . mysql_error();

This one also submits from a form.. same as above - process_login.php:

include "includes/config.php";

$username = strip_tags($_POST['usernameLogin']);
$userPassword = strip_tags($_POST['passwordLogin']);

$sql = sprintf("SELECT salt FROM users WHERE username = %s", quote_smart($username));
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

$salt = $row['salt'];

$dbpassword = sha1($salt . $userPassword);

$sql2 = sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE password = %s", quote_smart($dbpassword));
$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);

	echo 'Invalid username/password<br>' . mysql_error();
	echo 'Welcome back ' . $username;

Ignoring the obvious security holes and concentrating just on the way I have handled the password - is this code fine?

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The second query doesn't care whose password is matched. You're probably more likely to be killed by a tea cosy (QI ;)), but still. :)
Craig321 said:
$userPassword = strip_tags($_POST['password']);

Don't chuck the password through strip_tags as a) it will mean (for example) that the password "<b>password" would be the same as "password" and b) it's going to be hashed anyway so you know it's going to be an alphanumeric string that will be safe to print to a page or insert into a database.
Berserker said:
The second query doesn't care whose password is matched. You're probably more likely to be killed by a tea cosy (QI ;)), but still. :)

Ah, oops :p

Guess I should authenticate the username as well :p

I guess this is what you mean?:

$sql2 = sprintf("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s AND password = %s", quote_smart($username), quote_smart($dbpassword));
$result2 = mysql_query($sql2);


Pine said:
Don't chuck the password through strip_tags as a) it will mean (for example) that the password "<b>password" would be the same as "password" and b) it's going to be hashed anyway so you know it's going to be an alphanumeric string that will be safe to print to a page or insert into a database.

Ah yes, thank you :)

Removed them.
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