Crysis 2 - Maximum + G-Sync

6 Jan 2013
Any ideas on how to get this smooth with the rig in my sig? Gsync or Vsync result in 20fps, and switching them off results in a bit of a screen tear fest.

Have also disabled SLI but it makes no difference.

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Right, it's weird!

Load the game with Gsync, all ultra and DX11 enabled.
FPS is 24.
Change res from 2560*1440 to 1920*1080.
FPS is still 24.
Change res back to 2560*1440.

It then runs perfect, buttery smooth, Gsync 120fps awesomeness.

Now for that mod...
I just load the game, and then go to switch resolution. When it asks me to confirm, I say no and all is good.

It's a cracking game, can't believe it's 4 years old. How the hell did 4 year old hardware run it!

As for the MaldoHDmod, do I have to apply that on every load? Makes the game look great BTW, but also makes Origin crash and quit when I exit the game.

Enjoying this so far. :cool:
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