Crytek [Crysis] Next Generation Video [Hi Res]

Frost said:
the only new thing i can see is the more interactive environments, everything else can be done on dx9 allready surely?

Most likely, but some of the key features of DX10 reduce overheads for the CPU and GPU [revised DLL system, reduced penalties for state changes]. This means we can actually run those type of graphics at acceptable frames including AI and physics.
Robert said:
But do we want it to look like real life? We want a break from the real world ffs.

Many games are based on real world actualisation. The 'break' you refer to does not need to be purely visual. Infact, it is many developers aim to have lifelife graphics and physics due to the immersion factor. The aspect of gaming that gives us 'a break' is the environment we are immersed in. How many of us will ever be able to fly a jet? Well imagine if you had lifelife graphics, how fantastic would the immersion be and without the risk/danger or necessary intellect to fly.

Another factor remains, that it will be an option to have it looking like real life. At the moment we cannot actually make lifelike games that run suitably. But in the future the technological limits will be small enough that developers can do anything.
bakes0310 said:
Just looked at the video and was impressed but not as good as i thought.
Sure it looks more interactive and the facial models look cool but what are we gonna need to run this game. I should imagine it shouldnt be too much of trouble if you got todays high spec rig.
And im sure x1800 owners will play it very well along with me whos going to be a x1900xt owner very soon :D

LoL oh dear.

Not if Crysis is based on Dx10.. your card wont support it...
HangTime said:
The trouble is it's one of those sequences that, without being given the opportunity to play with ourselves, we can never be sure is genuine. By which I mean that the way the building collapses might not be down to real-time physics calculations on hundreds of objects (bits of wood etc), it could simply be a scripted sequence for a collapsing building. Games like HL2, heck even CoD have done stuff which at first glance is as impressive as that.

Except, those games dont specifically advertise they can do that which is why they are scripted. DX10 next generation technology should and is advertising it can... if that is a scripted sequence i will eat my hat, which fortunately is made of cookies... :p
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