CS - Apparently I am a "n00b hax0r"

12 May 2005
"STOP HACKING YOU NOOB" is usually the screams over the mic (which I have now muted :p ) and screams over text, mostly from the other team.

I find it amazing how just because you are beating the other team with a stick, they start to cry. One example, I was playing with one guy, he got so angry I was constantly owning him, he changed to my team to keep flashing me :/

Another great example, last night. I was playing, a guy constantly told me to turn of my cheats, so then he turned on speed hax, and aim bot... and got himself kicked by admins, and his steam ID reported.

I find it amazing how people on regular public servers are so ready to scream haxor, when you shoot them thru a door with a AK47, or have the Scout sight at head hight, because you hear their elephant like running coming in your direction.

Oddly, I swear the amount of cries of my cheaing has increased, and truthfully I am worse than I was 3 - 5 months ago, cause I took a long break.

So come on, am I the only one that has noticed a huge amount of people crying recently? maybe its cause school holidays...
Most of the time I have to say that I go to Clan Server, and so the complaints are somewhat minimal... mostly since I am around the same skill as half of them (better than a few, worse than a few).

Public is what makes me laugh though... the amount of times I have been asked to leave a PUBLIC (like ADSLguide) because 2 or 3 friends want a practice match is amazing... it ends up being me vs them :/
I usually play on public to either play with friends, or to warm up. As I said I have not played for at least 3 months so have been a bit rusty...

I usually play on clan servers though. I find your team are more helpful to, rather than not covering bomb sites/hostages/whatever.
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