CS:GO 3440x1440

2 Jan 2003

Does anyone here play CS:GO at 3440x1440 with all details on high, and if so does it judder awfully? I mean borderline unplayable.

Reducing settings to low seems to fix it, and using any other resolution also instantly rectifies it.

FPS is always well into the multiple hundreds regardless of settings.

Can you post your system specs including what monitor your using, Freesync/Gsync.


Whilst I admit it's not the latest and greatest it should be more than capable of running that resolution in CS:GO.

I do use Freesync, but turning it off makes it even worse.
So I don't use chill, don't use freesync in fact I have everything like that turned off but have all the settings right up. When your playing and you get the issue can you (in the console) set "net_graph 1". I bet you are getting what i've been seeing on inferno, lots of VAR (variance)?

I find that when variance is bouncing around anything over about 0.9 just destroys the playability. On Office, agency, overpass it never seems to happen and its nice and smooth with variance hovering around 0.2 area.

My spec

TR 1950x, 64gb 3466, radeon 7.

I have only noticed this as an issue since my oculus rift forced a driver update. Also if I leave the rift plugged in and fire up csgo it's completely unplayable? My solution so far has been to remove Inferno from our map selection.

I'll check the VAR reading when I get home tomorrow. Didn't know about that one.

I don't have a rift, so I can't check that one.

If you change your resolution does it go away as well?
Ok, so I checked "VAR" tonight like you mentioned. When playing in 3440x1440 it spikes from 0.x to 3.x constantly. Upon changing the resolution to anything else it settles around the 0.3 mark and only really varies by 0.2 or so, with the exception of match end etc. Reducing "Global Shadows" to very low will also keep it around the 0.8 mark even in 3440 x 1440, but with slightly more variance.

I've also noticed that the problem doesn't manifest offline with bots (or at least it isn't as bad).

Really bizarre.
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