CS:GO frame rate problems

4 Jul 2004
God this game is so frustrating. Usually I can play with 200 FPS, no lag, no stuttering, nothing. But once every week or so, it will just drop to 20-50 FPS with stuttering and screen tearing with absolutely no indication as to why. All my processes are the same, I've not installed anything new or downloaded anything. It just stops working. Played perfect last night. Went to bed, woke up and started it up again only to find it's almost unplayable. :confused:

I'm getting this reading on net_graph and I can see the var and sv figures are definitely different to normal. I swear they're both normally 0.



I've tried every tweak available to squeeze out extra FPS. I've rid my OS of services I don't need, I have about 13 background processes running with 28 system processes, every driver is up to date. Everything is perfect. I just don't understand how it is a mess right now but guaranteed to be fine tomorrow...

I know exactly when it's going to be a pain for me as well because the main menu hangs for a second before loading. When that happens I just shut down the whole thing and go crack open a beer. :p
Change the Vsync value, to on and off.. saving each time.. leaving it to off at the end.

That works for me, I have a similar thing, you know its going to happen as the FPS is knackered in the main menu.

Might be worth a shot.
Make sure you have Laptop power off, Make sure Windows is in high performance mode, double check fps_max 999 (or whatever you use) and fps_menu_max 144 (if you want to), check multicore rendering is enabled (video settings)

if that doesn't work, paste me your config.
Change the Vsync value, to on and off.. saving each time.. leaving it to off at the end.

That works for me, I have a similar thing, you know its going to happen as the FPS is knackered in the main menu.

Might be worth a shot.

Make sure you have Laptop power off, Make sure Windows is in high performance mode, double check fps_max 999 (or whatever you use) and fps_menu_max 144 (if you want to), check multicore rendering is enabled (video settings)

if that doesn't work, paste me your config.

All of this was already done.

I've noticed that a few files seem to go missing/corrupted (when I verify integrity of game files) every time this happens and Steam has to redownload them. What could cause that?

It seems to be okay again now despite not changing anything, but next week I know it'll do the same thing again. Really weird. Here's my config anyway:

bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "a" "+moveleft"
bind "b" "radio3"
bind "c" "radio1"
bind "d" "+moveright"
bind "e" "+lookatweapon"
bind "f" "+use"
bind "i" "show_loadout_toggle"
bind "k" "+voicerecord"
bind "m" "teammenu"
bind "n" "callvote"
bind "q" "drop"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "s" "+back"
bind "t" "+spray_menu"
bind "u" "messagemode2"
bind "v" "radio2"
bind "w" "+forward"
bind "x" "buymenu"
bind "y" "messagemode"
bind "z" "rebuy"
bind "KP_SLASH" "incrementvar net_graph 0 1 1"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "," "buyammo1"
bind "." "buyammo2"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "DEL" "mute"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
bind "ALT" "+knife"
bind "CTRL" "+duck"
bind "F3" "autobuy"
bind "F5" "jpeg"
bind "F6" "save quick"
bind "F7" "load quick"
bind "F8" "disconnect"
bind "F10" "quit prompt"
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MOUSE3" "use weapon_knife; use weapon_flashbang"
bind "MOUSE4" "use weapon_knife; use weapon_smokegrenade"
bind "MOUSE5" "+jumpthrow"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"
adsp_debug "0"
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0"
ai_think_limit_label "0"
budget_averages_window "30"
budget_background_alpha "128"
budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128"
budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667"
budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100"
budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667"
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
budget_panel_height "384"
budget_panel_width "512"
budget_panel_x "0"
budget_panel_y "50"
budget_peaks_window "30"
budget_show_averages "0"
budget_show_history "1"
budget_show_peaks "1"
bugreporter_uploadasync "0"
bugreporter_username ""
c_maxdistance "200"
c_maxpitch "90"
c_maxyaw "135"
c_mindistance "30"
c_minpitch "0"
c_minyaw "-135"
c_orthoheight "100"
c_orthowidth "100"
c_thirdpersonshoulder "false"
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "120.0"
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40.0"
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "5.0"
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "20.0"
cachedvalue_count_partybrowser "1504201484"
cachedvalue_count_teammates "1504201480"
cam_collision "1"
cam_idealdelta "4.0"
cam_idealdist "150"
cam_idealdistright "0"
cam_idealdistup "0"
cam_ideallag "4.0"
cam_idealpitch "0"
cam_idealyaw "0"
cam_snapto "0"
cc_lang ""
cc_linger_time "1.0"
cc_predisplay_time "0.25"
cc_subtitles "0"
chet_debug_idle "0"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_autohelp "1"
cl_autowepswitch "1"
cl_bob_lower_amt "21"
cl_bobamt_lat "0.1"
cl_bobamt_vert "0.1"
cl_bobcycle "0.980000"
cl_chatfilter_version "1"
cl_chatfilters "63"
cl_clanid "0"
cl_clock_24hour "1"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_color "0"
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio "0.35"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod "1"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod "0.5"
cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist "7"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0.500000"
cl_crosshair_sniper_show_normal_inaccuracy "0"
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "1"
cl_crosshairalpha "255.000000"
cl_crosshaircolor "5"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "255"
cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_crosshairgap "-1.500000"
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "0"
cl_crosshairscale "0"
cl_crosshairsize "4"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "0.5"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_debugrumble "0"
cl_detail_avoid_force "0.4"
cl_detail_avoid_radius "64"
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0.25"
cl_detail_max_sway "5"
cl_disablefreezecam "0"
cl_disablehtmlmotd "0"
cl_dm_buyrandomweapons "0"
cl_downloadfilter "all"
cl_embedded_stream_audio_volume "60"
cl_embedded_stream_audio_volume_xmaster "1"
cl_error_message_check_xboxdvr2 "0"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3"
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic "1"
cl_hud_background_alpha "0.5"
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1"
cl_hud_color "4"
cl_hud_healthammo_style "0"
cl_hud_playercount_pos "0"
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "0"
cl_hud_radar_scale "1.15"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
cl_inv_showdividerline "0"
cl_inventory_saved_filter2 "all"
cl_inventory_saved_sort2 "inv_sort_age"
cl_join_advertise "1"
cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "0"
cl_minimal_rtt_shadows "1"
cl_mouselook "1"
cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party "0"
cl_mute_enemy_team "0"
cl_obs_interp_enable "1"
cl_observercrosshair "1"
cl_operation_premium_reminder_op08 "0"
cl_playerspray_auto_apply "1"
cl_radar_always_centered "0"
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "1"
cl_radar_rotate "1"
cl_radar_scale "0.3"
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "1"
cl_righthand "1"
cl_rumblescale "1.0"
cl_scalecrosshair "1"
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding "+attack2"
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice "1"
cl_showhelp "1"
cl_showloadout "0"
cl_showpluginmessages "1"
cl_spec_follow_grenade_key "0"
cl_spec_mode "5"
cl_teamid_overhead_always "0"
cl_teamid_overhead_name_alpha "100"
cl_teamid_overhead_name_fadetime "1.0"
cl_teammate_colors_show "1"
cl_thirdperson "0"
cl_timeout "30"
cl_updaterate "64.000000"
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.5"
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.5"
closecaption "0"
closeonbuy "1"
commentary_firstrun "0"
con_enable "1"
crosshair "1"
cursortimeout "60.0"
dsp_enhance_stereo "0"
econ_highest_baseitem_seen "64"
engine_no_focus_sleep "50"
force_audio_english "0"
func_break_max_pieces "15"
g15_update_msec "250"
gameinstructor_enable "0"
hud_scaling "0.806000"
hud_showtargetid "1"
hud_takesshots "0"
joy_accelmax "1.0"
joy_accelscale "3.5"
joy_accelscalepoly "0.4"
joy_advanced "0"
joy_advaxisr "0"
joy_advaxisu "0"
joy_advaxisv "0"
joy_advaxisx "0"
joy_advaxisy "0"
joy_advaxisz "0"
joy_autoaimdampen "0"
joy_autoAimDampenMethod "0"
joy_autoaimdampenrange "0"
joy_axisbutton_threshold "0.3"
joy_cfg_preset "1"
joy_circle_correct "1"
joy_curvepoint_1 "0.001"
joy_curvepoint_2 "0.4"
joy_curvepoint_3 "0.75"
joy_curvepoint_4 "1"
joy_curvepoint_end "2"
joy_diagonalpov "0"
joy_display_input "0"
joy_forwardsensitivity "-1"
joy_forwardthreshold "0.15"
joy_gamma "0.2"
joy_inverty "0"
joy_lowend "1"
joy_lowend_linear "0.55"
joy_lowmap "1"
joy_movement_stick "0"
joy_name "joystick"
joy_no_accel_jump "0"
joy_pitchsensitivity "-1"
joy_pitchthreshold "0.15"
joy_response_look "0"
joy_response_look_pitch "1"
joy_response_move "1"
joy_sensitive_step0 "0.1"
joy_sensitive_step1 "0.4"
joy_sensitive_step2 "0.90"
joy_sidesensitivity "1"
joy_sidethreshold "0.15"
joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0"
joy_wingmanwarrior_turnhack "0"
joy_yawsensitivity "-1"
joy_yawthreshold "0.15"
joystick "0"
joystick_force_disabled "1"
joystick_force_disabled_set_from_options "1"
key_bind_version "2"
lobby_default_privacy_bits1 "6"
lobby_voice_chat_enabled "1"
lockMoveControllerRet "0"
lookspring "0"
lookstrafe "0"
m_customaccel "0"
m_customaccel_exponent "1.05"
m_customaccel_max "0"
m_customaccel_scale "0.04"
m_forward "1"
m_mouseaccel1 "0"
m_mouseaccel2 "0"
m_mousespeed "1"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_rawinput "1"
m_side "0.8"
m_yaw "0.022"
mapoverview_icon_scale "1.0"
mat_monitorgamma "2.2"
mat_monitorgamma_tv_enabled "0"
mat_powersavingsmode "0"
mat_queue_report "0"
mat_spewalloc "0"
mat_texture_list_content_path ""
mc_accel_band_size "0.5"
mc_dead_zone_radius "0.06"
mc_max_pitchrate "100.0"
mc_max_yawrate "230.0"
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min "3"
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "80"
mm_server_search_lan_ports "27015,27016,27017,27018,27019,27020"
muzzleflash_light "1"
name "G-MλN"
net_allow_multicast "1"
net_graph "0.000000"
net_graphheight "64"
net_graphholdsvframerate "0"
net_graphmsecs "400"
net_graphpos "1"
net_graphproportionalfont "1"
net_graphshowinterp "1"
net_graphshowlatency "1"
net_graphshowsvframerate "0"
net_graphsolid "1"
net_graphtext "1"
net_maxroutable "1200"
net_scale "5"
net_steamcnx_allowrelay "1"
npc_height_adjust "1"
option_duck_method "0"
option_speed_method "0"
password ""
play_distance "1"
player_botdifflast_s "0.000000"
player_competitive_maplist_8_7_1_7D70A304 "mg_de_dust,mg_de_inferno,mg_de_mirage,mg_cs_italy,mg_cs_militia"
player_gamemodelast_m "1.000000"
player_gamemodelast_s "0"
player_gametypelast_m "0.000000"
player_gametypelast_s "0"
player_last_leaderboards_filter "0"
player_last_leaderboards_mode "0"
player_last_leaderboards_panel "0"
player_last_medalstats_category "5.000000"
player_last_medalstats_panel "0.000000"
player_maplast_m "0"
player_maplast_s "0"
player_medalstats_most_recent_time "1504633747"
player_nevershow_communityservermessage "0"
player_teamplayedlast "3"
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1.5"
r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0.1"
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0"
r_eyegloss "0"
r_eyemove "0"
r_eyeshift_x "0"
r_eyeshift_y "0"
r_eyeshift_z "0"
r_eyesize "0"
rate "128000"
safezonex "1.0"
safezoney "1.0"
sc_enable "1.0"
sc_joystick_map "1"
sc_pitch_sensitivity "1.0"
sc_yaw_sensitivity "1.0"
scene_showfaceto "0"
scene_showlook "0"
scene_showmoveto "0"
scene_showunlock "0"
sensitivity "2.25"
sf_ui_tint "1"
sk_autoaim_mode "1"
skill "1.000000"
snd_deathcamera_volume "1.0"
snd_duckerattacktime "0.5"
snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5"
snd_duckerthreshold "0.15"
snd_ducking_off "1"
snd_ducktovolume "0.55"
snd_hrtf_distance_behind "100"
snd_mapobjective_volume "0.100000"
snd_menumusic_volume "0.100000"
snd_mix_async "1"
snd_mix_async_onetime_reset "1"
snd_mixahead "0.05"
snd_music_selection "1"
snd_musicvolume "1.000000"
snd_musicvolume_multiplier_inoverlay "0.1"
snd_mute_losefocus "1"
snd_pitchquality "1"
snd_roundend_volume "1.0"
snd_roundstart_volume "0.000000"
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.380000"
snd_use_hrtf "1"
sound_device_override "{}.{1c2b5eed-c67f-43ad-a36a-27f761b4e6ca}"
spec_replay_autostart "1"
spec_show_xray "0"
spec_usenumberkeys_nobinds "1"
ss_splitmode "0"
store_version "1"
suitvolume "0.25"
sv_forcepreload "0"
sv_log_onefile "0"
sv_logbans "0"
sv_logecho "1"
sv_logfile "1"
sv_logflush "0"
sv_logsdir "logs"
sv_noclipaccelerate "5"
sv_noclipspeed "5"
sv_pvsskipanimation "1"
sv_skyname "sky_dust"
sv_specaccelerate "5"
sv_specnoclip "1"
sv_specspeed "3"
sv_unlockedchapters "1"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sys_antialiasing "1"
sys_aspectratio "1"
sys_refldetail "0"
texture_budget_background_alpha "128"
texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25"
texture_budget_panel_height "284"
texture_budget_panel_width "512"
texture_budget_panel_x "0"
texture_budget_panel_y "450"
tr_best_course_time "0"
tr_completed_training "0"
tv_nochat "0"
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "topleft"
vgui_message_dialog_modal "1"
viewmodel_fov "60"
viewmodel_offset_x "1"
viewmodel_offset_y "1"
viewmodel_offset_z "-1"
viewmodel_presetpos "1"
voice_caster_enable "0"
voice_caster_scale "1"
voice_enable "1"
voice_forcemicrecord "1"
voice_mixer_boost "0"
voice_mixer_mute "0"
voice_mixer_volume "1.0"
voice_modenable "1"
voice_scale "0.700000"
voice_system_enable "1"
voice_threshold "4000"
volume "1.0"
vprof_graphheight "256"
vprof_graphwidth "512"
vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3"
vprof_verbose "1"
vprof_warningmsec "10"
weapon_accuracy_logging "0"
windows_speaker_config "0"
xbox_autothrottle "1"
xbox_throttlebias "100"
xbox_throttlespoof "200"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_joystick "1.0"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1.0"

I also have an autoexec config file with some of the typical FPS tweaks people use, like fps_max 999, cl_forcepreload 1, mat_queue_mode 2, etc.

Cheers. :)
Definitely not an antivirus running in the background, or some scheduled disk scan? I find these usually cause a drop in fps and induce some stuttering. GPU usage correct and not throttling / not boosting into 3d mode?
Lol, it's back again. Nope, nothing running in the background. I've even disabled Windows Defender and all that crap just to see if it makes any difference.

I've reinstalled it once today and made sure everything was done from scratch, including my config. I've also changed all of my graphics options to highest performance in the Nvidia control panel. The game looks like Counter Strike Source now but absolutely no difference in FPS. Still 20-50 with high var and screen tearing. The game is a complete and utter frustrating, terribly optimised mess. How can it just change from one day to the next?
It is a sign to not play, lest you be driven mad by teenage Russians.

Valve ruined this game.

Played csgo last night and its so much more.....fun.

(Granted I was on mini games haha)
Right, so I got rid of everything related to Steam. Absolutely everything I could find and reinstalled it along with CSGO. Not changed a thing, loaded the game and I see all of this in console:


Verified the game files and no issues there apparently.

Game still runs like crap.

It is a sign to not play, lest you be driven mad by teenage Russians.

Valve ruined this game.

Played csgo last night and its so much more.....fun.

(Granted I was on mini games haha)

That's what I'm trying to play though. :(

Worst "I've got a Hyper Beast" post ever :p

The times I've watched my team mates try to pick up that gun just for the skin and end up getting killed is ridiculous. :o Just swapping the default M4A1-S for it...
Genuinely is a waste or time these days. Occasionally you get a genuinely FUN game (not to be confused with winning....)

But too often its a grind.

I'm quite enjoying competitive lately. Lost my rank as I've not played it in years but it's been mostly alright. Few idiot team mates, but that's normal of most games I guess.

Felt like I was getting much better as well. Even bought a new gaming mouse and all that and now I can't play the bloody thing. :p
I had an issue with the game I was every so often getting like a 5 second lag spike. I wouldn't be able to do anything for 5 seconds and then I was back to normal. This would happen randomly so if I was in the middle of a firefight it would send me insane so I stopped playing it.

Years later I decided to get a new motherboard. Solved the issue instantly.

The game is fine. It's something in your system causing the issues be it a hard drive, motherboard, gpu or a setting somewhere. I know this isn't ideal but you will need to replace them 1 by 1. If it's a laptop get rid of it and get another.
Wow, I feel like an idiot. :o So I pretty much gave up on finding the problem last night and decided to do something else. Accidentally opened up Intel's Turbo Boost Monitor in my start menu, but immediately noticed the bar wasn't moving and therefore wasn't boosting. Checked CPU-Z and my bloody processor is permanently throttled to 800Mhz! I hadn't noticed it because I don't do anything intensive on this laptop other than general browsing and the like, but of course it affects games. Anyway, temps were fine but it continued to throttle, so I've concluded that the issue is with the bd prochot sensor on the motherboard and have had to use ThrottleStop to disable it for good. Now everything is fine.

Apologies to Valve for bad mouthing their game. :p

Thanks all.
CPU-Z and GPU-Z would have been my first ports of call tbh. Try a BIOS update or firmware update, etc. Google the model number of your laptop and go to the support drivers section.
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