CS:GO max fps pc

4 Oct 2010
So looking at building a pc, needing to get around 300fps on full res/quality on CS:GO.
I've been doing some research and apparently the i5-4690k is the best cpu for its price for CS:GO, because the game is cpu based.
Thinking maybe a 970 gpu aswell? and im wanting a Corsair case to fit with the rest of my set up, ideally im wanting to keep my HDD as its a 2tb and already has windows installed, I also have a 2tb external HDD with all my music/pictures/films etc on.
Not sure what mobo/psu/ram etc to go with, the PC I have atm has 8gb of DDR3, not really sure if the upgrade to DDR4 is worth it?
I'll be wanting to buy a 144hz monitor at a later date, mine is only a 60hz VGA atm.
Budget is around £500, any info/input/opinions welcome.
I suggest an SSD, also if you go skylake the ram does help the fps, £500 is a tight budget with monitor. GPU you can downgrade to even a gtx 950, if it's exclusivly for cs go.

£500 isnt with the monitor :) I'll get the monitor at a later date once I have the pc built up, yeah I'll want an ssd for windows and install cs:go also?
You could play csgo with pretty much any setup, it's pretty outdated graphically and needs very little to run it. Not sure why people like it tbh, I think it's awful, but each to their own.

The pc i have atm will only return 30-40fps on full setting so i have to run on lower quality to get atleast 100 so im just wanting 300 on full fps, any idea what mbo i should get and what about ram, is it worth getting ddr4?
thats a lot of hardware for not a lot of game, im pretty sure my i3 4160 and gtx 560 sc could run this game well over 100fps at 1080p

Yeah my i5 2320 can get 130fps at 1600 x 900 but i want 300 at 1920 x 1080 lol.
I might also decide to play other games at a later date but for now its mainly CS:GO.
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