CS:S Servers

12 Oct 2005
I started playing the half life 2 bundle yesterday morning and last night i thought i'd have a peek at CS:S. I spent over an hour trying to get onto servers and 99% of the time it would tell me that there was no-one playing even though the list would say for example there were 24/32 playing and wouldnt let me connect :confused: To top it off the very few that it did try to connect to kept giving me memory error messages ... cant be read at 000000 etc etc, and closing the whole app down. I did manage to connect to one server in the entire time but it ended up being a french one on a very small map that seemed to restart every time one person was killed :(

P.S. Almost all the servers listed were French, whats up with that?

Try deleting your clientregistry.blob file seems to solve many issues.
Check your server filters, set it for say Euro servers.

If you've tried that, reinstall steam.
Client registry should sort out your server issues.

If you keep getting the memory error, and if your machine is overclocked then unfortunately you'll need to reduce or even run at stock.

I had the memory error for ages (only when overclocked) then after a rebuild it worked fine. A few steam updates later and I was back to having to run at stock. Doesn't affect everybody..
Oh and i also get an error occasionally when steam is loading up at reboot, cant remember what it is exactly ... due to Winsock error or something?
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