CS:S Servers

4 Sep 2005
Hi all

Havn't played this in a while.. infact the last time was when i was on tocuk server...

But theres hardly anybody on there anymore, and my favourite server has dissapeared completely..

So i'm asking you lot what servers you frequently play on? I prefer to play on one server than visit loads, you see :)

So fire away, which ones?
GBUK: I know a few others play here too, mainly Darkshadow, m3 (cant remember his full name).

PIE: I love this server, been visiting it for ages now. Really good group of guys and there's always loads of shenengians going on, it's not a really serious server, it's all about fun!
just so you've got it, our IP is in my comment.

We also have a 14man 100tick server running now, which is very nice. Use connect ammobox.co.uk in console to get to that one :D
Prob 2 of the best UK servers going atm ;)
nbkgaming.com - Dust , Dust2 and Aztec - 30 man server always full - Italy, Compound and Assualt

Add them :)
If you feel a bit different and up for a bit more of a fun game than normal public, come to the Xtremeservers Deathmatch server :D

I'm admin there, so there's rarely any penises on there mucking about :)
All of the servers that I used to play on are slowly vanishing now, I dont stay anywhere in particular now, I just load whatever is there.

Will have to checkour some of the servers mentioned in this thread though. Dhrystones Public HLstatsX Dhrystones GunGame

Just finally got a decent server backup and running still installing bits but its there about's ;)
W00t w00t, adding them all now.

So sick and tired of loading up Source, wanting to play, but having to sit there as you enter a random server and it downloads endless pointless bloody sounds :mad:..
Hlebio said:
W00t w00t, adding them all now.

So sick and tired of loading up Source, wanting to play, but having to sit there as you enter a random server and it downloads endless pointless bloody sounds :mad:..

So true :)

But you know, there was a sound pack that you could download, that overwrites all the Quake sounds or whatever they are with silent sound files.. worth a look ;)
surly theres a way source could have made it so that it kneew you were just downloading the SAME files from DIFFERENT servers
it is Very annoying though, on the otherhand, those servers never really get that full.
gotta admit though, soemtimes if ** palyign for fun its good to hear BOOM HEADSHOT screaming in your ear for that feel good factor
Hlebio said:
W00t w00t, adding them all now.

So sick and tired of loading up Source, wanting to play, but having to sit there as you enter a random server and it downloads endless pointless bloody sounds :mad:..

There is a command that you can type into the console, which stops those downloads :D

I will find it for you now..

EDIT : Type this in console without the Brackets " cl_downloadfilter nosounds

Should do the trick :)
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