CS: Source - Any idea why this keeps happening?

18 Mar 2006
Hey guys.

When I load up CS: Source and go on to the server screen I see this,


Obviously the servers tab is over-stretched, but if I put them all back to normal it just goes back to being squashed up the next time I load the game up...

Anyway to stop it from doing that? It never used to do this until recently..
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you need to pull that back in to place
you seemed to have streched the name tab too far along so its bunced all other tabs very small
just decrease the name tab and resize the rest to your needs

Sorry if i explained that complicated! :o
Im at work now and i cant get the exact names of the 3 files, but if you browse on the steam forums for "clientregistry.blob" or in their FAQ section with that. It will list 3 files that you can delete (steam will redownload them) and this sorts out 99% of GUI problems.

I hope this helps!

If you cant find it delete the .blob file and every DLL in the steam directory! It will re apply all of them so no fear!
Lol I had to laugh at thinking how annoying that must be :(

Fortunetly I don't have that problem but a similar problem I have is that it always remembers my filter options from ages ago which I don't use. I have to keep changing them.

Another problem I have is that when I use cl_crosshairscale 25000 then go into options it automatically changes back to default :/
not sure if there is any codes you can try in the console.
but ill have a look in abit :)

edit : meh i cant find anything that relates to that, sorry! :o
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If you double-click on the divider between the columns, they'll 'auto-size' to just fit nicely.

Valve will probably fix this with their usual alacrity ;)
G-MAN2004 said:
Lol I had to laugh at thinking how annoying that must be :(

Fortunetly I don't have that problem but a similar problem I have is that it always remembers my filter options from ages ago which I don't use. I have to keep changing them.

Another problem I have is that when I use cl_crosshairscale 25000 then go into options it automatically changes back to default :/

Yeah the crosshair thing will always do that if you make any changes and click apply to options. Just get the settings you want and don't go back there, if its for name changes just do thatin console too :)
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