CS Source - Installation etc

18 Oct 2002
Finally got a machine capable of running Source. Whats the best way to go about installing HL2 and then CS? i.e. should I install from the DVD then run the steam conversion thingy or just install steam and let it download. Not installed it since it first came out and can't remember what I did :(
Grad said:
Finally got a machine capable of running Source. Whats the best way to go about installing HL2 and then CS? i.e. should I install from the DVD then run the steam conversion thingy or just install steam and let it download. Not installed it since it first came out and can't remember what I did :(

Depends on how long you want to wait mate.

I would install from the dvd then let it update, otherwise you've got to download a truck load of data from steam.
SIAT said:
Depends on how long you want to wait mate.

I would install from the dvd then let it update, otherwise you've got to download a truck load of data from steam.

Ok - just seemed to remember having issues with the steam conversion proggy last time round. Think i ended up doing something stupid which meant i ended up with two steam ids and huge amounts of lost diskspace :o

Anyway will give it a go and then find some servers :)
Grad said:

Anbody here got experience with converting 1.6 config to a Source config?

It's not too hard, I'm guessing you mean buyscripts and stuff like that.

So a buyscript alias in 1.6 to buy the M4A1 or AK47 you would use:

alias m4orak "m4a1;ak47"

But in CS:S, you'd use 'buy' in front:

alias m4orak "buy m4a1;buy ak47"
ok that makes sense :)

I don't use Mousewheel to select weapons - I prefer to have keys bound for guns and nades. I can get a key for primary and secondary weapon but can't bind the nades?

btw if there's a good site for this then I'm all ears as google is not being my friend today :D

edit: Also you could assign a function to 2 keys - so slot 1 would be number 1 and mouse3 for instance enabling you to continue to navigate menus. Last time I looked Source doesn't allow this. Still true?
Unless you can do it by editing the config directly, then nope, you still can't have alternate keys for the same binds. I know because I do the same with having mouse buttons bound to slots1-4, and CS:S annoys me that I can't have the number keys work when I do that. Like I said though, try messing with config itself, and then write-protecting it. :)
Weebull said:
Unless you can do it by editing the config directly, then nope, you still can't have alternate keys for the same binds. I know because I do the same with having mouse buttons bound to slots1-4, and CS:S annoys me that I can't have the number keys work when I do that. Like I said though, try messing with config itself, and then write-protecting it. :)

You play much source then pal? What servers if so and do u have xfire :o
Fraid not m8. Used to play it only very occasionally, and never really had any regular servers when I did. :(

Got xfire sitting on here somewhere, but I never use it. I'll load it up and give you a game later on if you fancy it though. :)
McMav said:
source sucks


well that was a worthwhile post.
Id recommend getting on to some clan servers and getting to know the guys that play on them also theres usually a bit more teamwork which you can watch
McMav said:

Yup 1.6er gave source another go after all the improvements they made and it still sucks :D

Roj, source blows big style.

Grad you can make your config work in source , it just needs a couple of changes in syntax for the odd thing like best weapon and quick pull out *** fish :)
Just got back into CSS and after being banned from a couple of publics wondered if there are any decent ones out there?
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