csgo dedicated server hosting

25 Oct 2002
hey i know there is a cs discussion thread but this is more hosting related than actual gameplay

ive been toying with hosting a dedicated server at home to try and learn the maps a bit better for comp play as im not particularly that great at the game and have been relying on playing purely dust 2 to get ranked, and i know as soon as i start playing other maps my lowly gn2 will drop back to the even lower depths of silver :eek:

any how the plan was to have this hosted so myself and a couple of mates could mess about in comp mode , i have it running and still need to work on and learn how to config it properly but the basics seem to be ok'ish

problem being it seems to get very high sv values in game and rubber bands etc a lot, what i have noticed is that this happens where there are bots on the server more bots far more rubber banding , no bots sv is 0 - 2 ish maybe and no real problems

this is hosted on a usff fujitsu pc with 8gig mem and an i3 2310m cpu. there is a vm running on this and ispy with 2 webcams but even with all this cpu usage never goes over 40% and rarely sppeds up over 1ghz so surely it couldnt be cpu limited?

bandwith should also be fine as i have 19.5mb up?

any help appreciated
i have tried both 64 and 128 and a few different rate type settings , needing a gpu ?? its a usff box about the size of a dvd case stacked 5 or so high so just onboard gpu i thought dedicated servers didnt need a gpu as they only did the positional / bullet registry type calculations and didnt render an actual display of the game?
back again sorry been busy
server is on a seperate machine from what im playing on though ive noticed last time i tried the sv value wasnt too bad around 20 wher it had been over 100 to 300 before depending on bots though i think i had closed the ispy software and vm that was on the dedicated server machine but the cpu usage was never more that 40 percent with the vm , ispy and csgo dedicated going

what is the launch command or server setting to set memory value?
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