15 Nov 2006
I have just started watching this (the original not the spin-offs) and I'm quite impressed, very interesting stuff.

I'm on Season 1 so far making my way through, is the show fairly consistent in quality?

No spoilers please. :)
Its generally pretty good, although they do stick in the occassional (rare say 1 or 2 a series) stupid episode which are in my view quite annoying.
It's been fairly good most of the way with CSI. I'm not that keen on series 8 but you have a long way to go before you get that far!

I don't think much of CSI:Miami and CSI:NY. With each spin-off it seems to get worse. Mind you David Caruso is hilarious in some episodes even though he's not trying to be.
Its generally pretty good, although they do stick in the occassional (rare say 1 or 2 a series) stupid episode which are in my view quite annoying.

I like them. The adult baby one was funny as hell.
Csi is awesome, csi new york season 1 was amazing, so dark and gritty but then they where told to make it less dark and its sucked there after.
David Caruso too good for CSI(which IMO is a pile of dirty pants). NYPD Blue and King of New York immediately spring to mind.
The original CSI peaked around the end of series four. By the time of the (im)famous end-of-series episode of series five (the Tarantino one) it was clearly already getting weaker.

Miami was terrible right from the off.

NY was OK at first, but started to go off by about series three.

None bear any real resemblance to reality, but I'm assuming most people have already guessed that.

Strangely enough - William Petersen is the highest paid actor in any TV series currently being made. And he's certainly not Al Pacino. The original CSI (LV) has its corny moments as well - I've recently borrowed four seasons and after 30 episodes you can sense those "deep thoughts" from all characters a mile away. First season wasn't that bad, later on they just keep taking wee at almost every "vic".
I tolerate CSI NY with Gary Sinise, but Miami is just completely miscasted and unlikable.
CSI the original is the best out of the 3. The characters bounce off each other really well, the story lines are really good and some are really funny. My only issue is they seem to lack the big stories, the one that drags on for a long time with a big conclusion at the end.

Watched every single episode and season 8 before it stopped was getting extremely gritty and good.
CSI is a really good consistent TV series however some of them are particularly silly.

And Miami is a bit annoying too, too many people kill eachother because they get beaten in beauty contests or soemthing, its just totally ridiculous.

There are many good american TV shows from the last 10 years, try out The Shield, Dexter, The Wire, The Unit, 24, Lost, Heroes and more :)
Watch all of the csi's but vegas would be my favourite, just seems the more gritty and believable, Also enjoy law and order criminal intent with vincent D'Onofrio as detective goren.
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