css clans?

10 Apr 2006
Hi, Im sick of going on enemydown and lookig for a good clan...

Ive been without a clan for the last month or two whilst MOD have been hibernating, Im looking for an active css clan that plays to a high standard, email from my trust info.

j.f.y.i been playing since 1998, so Im quite handy ;)
ED is a wee bit rubbish to be honest.

I'm not knocking the calibre of the clans registered there though, but it just seems the set up there needs addressing.
Fighting Heroes

Im not sure whether we are recruiting or not, but theres no harm in asking. Our forums are HERE. We are sitting 7th on TWL and are competing on gameon for money, not that we are doing that brilliantly on that league. There has been talk of going to enemy down, but nothings been confirmed. We usually play at least one match a week.

Server -, although usually empty unless theres a practice or match on.
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