css coding help required pls...

2 Oct 2004
N.W London

I am a n00b and am putting together a site for a friend as I have some time on my hands and have always wanted to learn how to create websites...

This is what I have done so far:

Here it is - made for 1280 x 1024 so far....

Trouble is:

a) My screen res is 1280 x 1024 and unfortunately so is that design..

therefore when I change my browser to lets say 800 x 600 it looks so wrong....

what do I need to do so that this page will auto resize as per the visitors browser?

Please help...

Thanks in advance..

with that, where there's a big jpg in the middle you have two choices

1) shrink it so that it fits in 800x600 (about 10-15% peopl use this resolution)

2) you carry on and forget about them.

It depends on what you want do.
You shouldn't bother using images for those nav links, just write the text as normal and apply a css class to each link to change the background colour and pad them out a bit.

Thats really nice for a first attempt a website by the way, i'd change the links to lowercase, thats just my opinion though, its looking great on a mac in safari by the way.
shrink it so that it fits in 800x600 (about 10-15% peopl use this resolution)

would the dimensions still be pixels because (correct me if im wrong) if i use percentage symbols then the image would increase or decrease as per the viewers browser size would it not?

You shouldn't bother using images for those nav links, just write the text as normal and apply a css class to each link to change the background colour and pad them out a bit.

sounds good, ummm how do i do it?

Thats really nice for a first attempt a website by the way, i'd change the links to lowercase, thats just my opinion though, its looking great on a mac in safari by the way.

thanks a lot thats really encouraging :) thank you
browser resized images look pants

neither firefox nor IE do a very good job. Better off that you decide on it before and not leave to the browser to render your nice picture.
if it was me, I'd split the difference ... go for 1024 x 768.

Then there's only a little scrolling for 800x600 users ( who really should ditch those old monitors ... current estimates are around 10% of people using 800x600).
sounds good, ummm how do i do it?

<a href="index1.htm" title="Home" class="yourclassname">Home</a>

     margin: 5px;
     padding: 15px;
     background-color: #535352;
     color: #ffffff;

try that :)
hey mag:



Blade thanks for your comments :)

alternatively which one do you think is better:

A - I intend to get rid of that arrow lol


Just needed feedback on layout and colour etc etc

thanks guys your great :)
B, although you should sort out that font for the links :) Try Trebuchet MS or Tahoma. And maybe lose the uppercase.

Also add an Alt atribute to the image.
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