CSS driving me up the wall

16 Nov 2003
On the pale blue dot
Decided to finally get to grips with CSS, and you know the story, IE is being a PITA. Please see this very basic page which I'm in the process of building to understand CSS:


In firefox it looks fine. In IE however, when you hover over the links it doesn't change colour properly. Firefox changes the whole background colour, but IE doesn't. Also at the start of the CSS if I put the styles for a:active and a:visited after a:hover it ignores the style completely. (All the CSS is in the page for the time being).

Have you got the link properties in the right order within the CSS?

I'm new to CSS myself and my book (:D) said it's a case of getting the order right (and them working) or not.

Apologies if you're a bit more advanced than that.
a:link {

a:visited {
color: navy;

a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
color: white;
background-color: navy;

a:active {
color: aqua;
background color: navy;


That's the order they should be in. Or so I'm led to believe. :D
The problem is that Internet explorer and firefox handle anchor tags differently.

Firefox will let the anchor tag fill the space of its parent element. In other words firefox is making the anchor, the same size as the menuitem div. IE on the other hand makes it only apply to the size of the writting contained within it.

Firstly, you can't use menuitem with an ID (#) as id elements can only occur once in an HTML page, you need to make them classes and style them in the CSS with (.) and not (#).

Even then, using nested divs for this is messy. Use an inline unordered list.

Then what you have to do, is use padding on the anchor tags so that they make the 20px menu box. That way the anchor tag in IE will cover right up to the edge as you want it to.
Ah thanks guys. I did think going back to nested divs was a bit messy and almost layout table like. I'll investigate using lists.

Also yeah yeah I know about the <br/> tags I just threw them in so you can see the content div :p
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