Looking at the code on that site you have just linked, you have many code issues, a list-style attribute isn't one of the main ones!
I did a BTEC, it doesn't mean that I should submit crap like that code. My teacher would have slammed me if I had none adhered to at least some standards. Using that as an excuse just shows that maybe you shouldn't be going down the code route.
at least start the code with <html> and end it with </html>
Oh - by the way. I'm sure you think we're all kind of harsh. But this is what it's like when you link bad code up on a website, people are ruthless because the need for standards are much greater now and failing at the first step IE declaring your HTML document and a Doctype are some of the worst basic errors.
Two years time if you're still in to it, chances are you will look back on this with humour and shame.