CSS - margins are how i want them in IE but are different in firefox :(

6 Jul 2004
I did the following website http://www.exboarders.co.uk/ for the uni snowboard soc, but am having troubles making it look the same in firefox as it does in IE. The problem is fairly small - on the homepage the spacings between the pictures+news entries at the bottom are showing in IE but are not in Firefox. It is to do with the margin-top css entry.

Any ideas on how to make firefox show these gaps?
I know what you mean, man. That little difference in spacing ....

can't remember how to do it...

to be honest, though, it looks good in both IE and firefox. It doesn't affect it.
You'll be looking for a Box Model Hack, I presume. As a sidenote, you'll find that it's actually the more standards-compliant browsers like Firefox and Safari which are rendering the pages properly, and it's Internet Explorer that you have to make special allowances for.

av. :)
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