CSS Militia Map problem

18 Oct 2002
In over my head
Guys, I need some advice or help.

I have an AMD64 3200+ at 2Ghz with 1Gb of Ram and a ATI 9800 Pro.

This setup plays CSS fine on all maps bar the new ones. I regularly get between 50 -70 fps on all the usual maps.

When I play in Militia or the new Nuke I get around 10 - 20 fps and usually my machine will eventually hang or reboot mid game. Is this a performance issue with my machine or something else?
yep if its only those two maps your problem is most defiantly HDR if uve got it on the highest setting try turning it down a notch or take it off completly
Have the same problem, had to reduce all settings for video to medium, seemed to work just does not look as good :( Me thinks new pc soon is required :(

amd 3000, 6600gt, 1gb ram
oh nuts! I thought you where going to recommend turning the settings down. I'll try the HDR. Thanks guys for the help.
HDR is definetly a big strain sometimes, it shouldnt crash. I use the same graphics card and the fps goes from 20 to 80 :/

Is it overheating, my standard HSF is so poor it needs help from a case fan nearby
I've checked my settings and they seem fine? They are all set as per the recommendations and HDR was already turned off?

geider, how do I find out if it is overheating? I'm new to all this overclocking thing. I have all the correct bits I think but have never tried any of it yet.
I have an Barton 3200+ 1gb ram and a 9800pro and most maps run 40-80 fps. Compound can sometimes knock it down to 25-30. But its still very playable. Just have a twidle with your settings, it may involved turning something down to medium. Btw what res are you playing in?
If you mean it goes to the point that its unplayable then i get it too. Ill be sitting quite happily around the back of the house while im looking away from it, but look at the house and i drop to like 10fps.
on militia my system always hangs with multi coloured blocks on screen and i have to reboot, only map and the only time on any game that it is a problem

any ideas

system in sig
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Steedie said:
on militia my system always hangs with multi coloured blocks on screen and i have to reboot, only map and the only time on any game that it is a problem

any ideas

system in sig

You wouldnt happen to have any extra pipelines or shaders unlocked on your card would you? If you do they may not be stable enough to handle the extra strain HDR puts on them
my pc struggle on games like DoDS with HDR on full.. i get >60fps when i go outside... :( i have a Leadtek 7800GTX and a 3500+ Venice and 1GB OCZ DDR.
Wow! Some cool rigs here and still porblems with the new maps? I'm running the game in 1280 x 1024 the recommended res for my LCD.
Ahh, thats the problem with LCD's. I run CS:S at 1152*864, it really makes a difference to 1280*1024. Like i said before try turning a few things down to medium. Keep full shadows on as you would be losing an advantage. Also see what the game looks like in 1024*768, you might lose a little detail but the FPS should improve significantly.
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tis true.

40% more pixels at 1280 then 1024

Overheating, use your finger :p GPU run hotter then cpu but not hot enough to boil your tea. The standard HSF is naff, make sure you have fresh air somewhere near
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