CSS Problems And Help

4 Mar 2004
Liverpool, England
Hi there, i recently bought a copy of Counter Strike Source, but i have a problem, well the moniter i have on my pc isnt too good and some GAMMA or BRIGHTNESS on games dont go up high enough, I have battlefied 2 and that was really dark, but i downloaded a programme and it works and i can ajust the brighness, but on CSS when i hhave the gamma up full i cant see a thing!, the only maps i can play are MP_Office and MP_Dust, anything els is just WAY too dark to even try, so i am looking for a programme that will let me turn my moniter brightness up so i can actuelly see in game, and also, Do u think this could be a graphics card problem?

Thanks a lot

If you have an nvidia card you can do it in the control panel, but it will do it permanantely, so itll be brighter on your desktop too.
I assume you have tried this, but I will mention it anyway. Have you tried altering the Gamma in the video options in game? launch the game, go to video, and you should see the option there. I also needed to raise it a tad.
Turn 'colour correction' off - its also int he advanced graphics options.
i know what you mean though !, after every format i find it near impossible to play with standard gamma settigns.
the ati CCC pannel is where its all at, but ive had problems also just tryign to get the gamma to change in there.

i combatted it by turning my MONITOR brightness down, but my desktop and 3D UP, til my desktop was about the same as it was. so this means in CSS i can just give an extra brightness oost when i need it using the buttons
Just used that colour correction thing u said and that help a LITTLE inside but no change outside :(, i dont no if it is my moniter or my graphics card though :S, ill have to lend my brothers moniter some time to test it, anyway any more help would be nice ;)


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