CSS rates

4 Jul 2004
Playing CSS when people start saying "sort out your rates". Now whats all this mean? Im just used to playing the game not messing around with 'rates' and stuff.
Your rates are the settings that control the amound of data your PC CS:S client sends / recieves to/from the server. You'll likely be on default rates if you don't really play it much, meaning you'll probably be making it a lot harder for people to hit you when they've all got correct rates for their internet connection.

In the console, you'll want to change your rates to something like:
rate 20000
cl_cmdrate 70
cl_updaterate 70

But ideal rates will vary depending on the server ticrate, which I won't go into.

Also, another reason why someone will start saying 'sort your rates' will mean they're probably just really peeved they missed you and you owned them.
Andyt_uk said:
if you usually play on a 100tick server then i'd recommend using 20,000, 100, 100 if your pc can handle it.

What do you mean if your pc can handle it? Sorry if im being obtuse... i use those rates on most servers.
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would this help me to hit other people? ive never been told to sort my rates, but i seem to struggle sometimes hitting anything :(
what connection speed you got?
im on 1mb/256 and use:

rate 25000
cl_updaterate 100
cl_cmdrate 100

try those if your connections ok with it, keep an eye on loss/choke in net_graph 3 though, if loss is 0 and choke is near enough 0 or 0-10 then there fine

also if you havent already set cl_interp 0.01 (default is 0.1 iirc) but dont change interpolate because if you do ill hunt you down and kill you ;)
lol ive got no idea what interpolate means :s

im on 10mb/512kb cable
and the rest is stock. ive not notied any lag or anything though, i was just interested to see if it could be why i hit thin air sometimes, its more than likely me being crap :D
With that connection you can easily use rate 25000 cl_updaterate 100 cl_cmdrate 100. If a server tick rate is 66 you'll only get 66 updates per second anyway so it wont matter if you set at 100.
Interp was meant to be used by people with slower connections to correct prediction errors - it tended to be abused to enable easier headshots. A lot of servers have measures to stop people abusing it.
mrbios said:
also if you havent already set cl_interp 0.01 (default is 0.1 iirc) but dont change interpolate because if you do ill hunt you down and kill you ;)

You must love playing europeans then :P
if your getting loads of FPS then try a higher rate, I normaly play
Rate 25000-30000
Cl_updaterate 70-101
cl_cmdrate 70-101

depending on the servers tick rate (lower for 66 tick, higher for 100 tick)
if your getting choke, turn the rates down a bit and that may help
Oyster2 said:
Interp was meant to be used by people with slower connections to correct prediction errors - it tended to be abused to enable easier headshots. A lot of servers have measures to stop people abusing it.

It doesn't mean that they can get easier head shots per say, it just means that the hitbox will be a little behind the model, so they can shoot behind you and still hit you, ala getting shot round corners and while running past double doors on dust 2
the maximun value "rate" can get is 250000.There is no logic to set it to 30000.
Also it's believed that rate can only go up to 20000 that's why the eswc cup requires 20000
Frosti said:
It doesn't mean that they can get easier head shots per say, it just means that the hitbox will be a little behind the model, so they can shoot behind you and still hit you, ala getting shot round corners and while running past double doors on dust 2

This is kinda dependant on the value of cl_interpolate as well. In the old days values of 0,0 made the boxes pretty much spot on. Using a interp of 0.1 and interpolate of 0 made you "interp" as in the boxes were slightly behind the model, technicially giving you a slight advantage.

For fair play, interp was locked at 0.1(i think) by value although you could still set interpolate to 0 and interp. Mods such as zblock, csp and euro csp now lock interpolate to 1 which are the valve defaults which make it fair for everybody to play.

Max update and cmd rates are 100 and if you set them to 101 then they default down to the settings on the server which isn't always good.
Frosti said:
You must love playing europeans then :P

aye :( people like astralis and lycanthrophy are alright with it (the fin teams) but as soon as it comes to germans... its "OMG YOU NOOBS YOU USE terpolate 1 wtf play on our server!?!?"

a lot of dutch teams seem to prefer interpolate 0 as well, though they dont seem to moan as much as the germans do
hate playing germans, i swear they all have wallhacks on, always seem to get door'd before jumping the gap at DD on d2!!>!?
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