CSS Tricks Re-design

1 Apr 2010
South Shields
I don't post here, well...not often anyhow, but I recently backed a project on KickStarter and I thought some of you, Experience or Newbs, may also want to back it and maybe gain a lot of knowledge in doing so.
This is in no way an advertisement on behalf of CSS Tricks, nor am I affiliated with the website and/or company or those who have worked or currently work on the website.

CSS Tricks Re-design KickStarter. <-- Click to View!

$25 for 6 month Private Area Access, Allowing viewing of Screencasts of the full Re-design, info below

Hey folks! Here's the plan in a nutshell:

I'm going to redesign CSS-Tricks.com

I'm going to turn it into an educational experience for everybody by screencasting the entire process.

By helping me out on Kickstarter, you get access to that library of screencasts, and more!

Why do this? All the reasons! Most importantly, the redesign will help the sites overall mission: helping web designers and developers. We'll make the site better aesthetically, make the content more findable and explorable, accomodate the types of content better, monetize it better, and more.

Here's some of what we'll cover:

  • Visual design decisions and process
  • Writing semantic HTML and using HTML5
  • Working with WordPress and crafting a heavily customized theme
  • Writing CSS and using CSS3
  • Working efficiently
  • Responsive design and all the complex issues that come along with that
  • Using cool tools like Sass with Compass and CodeKit
  • Using JavaScript and jQuery where we need it
  • The version control (git) and deployment setup
  • Making good choices around monetization

The screencast videos and resources will be available on a special private access area of CSS-Tricks.com for the backers of this project. We'll even cover how to do that!

The rewards start out with access to that private access area and go up from there. So what do you say folks? Let's do this!

UPDATE #1: Wow! We easily made the goal. That is super great. Thank you all! Few things to note: 1) Sorry about the typos in the rewards. Kickstarter offers no way to change them after someone has selected one as a reward. 2) Please send a message if you are interested in the workshop-level reward so we can discuss.
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