Current build vs future build

22 Sep 2009

I posted on here a couple of days ago about the PC I'm planning on building and I was just wondering what sort of improvements I can expect over my current PC, just rough guestimates :p

Current setup, Q6600 @ 2.4GHz, 3gb generic (I.E. low speed) DDR2 RAM, nVidia GeForce 8500, 5400rpm hdd and some cheap MSI mobo.

Future setup, i5 750 @ 4GHz hopefully, 4GB DDR3 RAM, nVidia 275 (Sparkle), 7200rpm HDD and MSI P55 mobo.
I mean though, how noticable will the upgrades be? Obviously I'll notice a leap in gaming (hell UT04 is the latest game I can play on full, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. pretty much rapes my system on top settings), but will I see a big difference in normal day to day use? Its the first high spec PC I'm building and the price is just a bit.. ugh, daunting I guess :p
Needed components, fast... that plus I had to get my stuff from PC World -.- got a netbook from there, it was crap and they had me by the... so it was either have the crap netbook, or build a PC from the crappy components they had to offer... It has served me well though so I can't complain too much :rolleyes:
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