AFAIK there isnt one article, youd have to go through an article for each new chipset release, but in an attempt to sum up for you, here goes
X58 is socket 1366, this take Intels core i7 9 series chips
P55 is socket 1156, this was originally designed for the i7 8 series chips and i5 7 series
H55/H57(57 not 75, typo I presume) is socket 1155, and was designed for i5 6 series and i3
H55/H57 are pretty much the same, the H57 merely has a couple of extra PCI-E lanes
also 1156/1155 are quite interoperable, you can put the chips from one into the boards of the other and vice versa
The actual differences are that the 1155 socket chips basically have built in gfx, the 1156 doesnt
And the 1156 has less bandwidth available then the 1366 so for multiple gfx card set ups the 1366 is better
Also to note is the 1155/1156 uses dual channel RAM where as the 1366 uses triple channel RAM
Does that clarify whatever you were after?