Current Market - Vintage Home Computers (Pre-PC Era)

Man of Honour
21 Feb 2006
So I am contemplating selling my collection of vintage home computers and games consoles dating back to ZX80 forwards to around Amiga / Saturn / PS1 era. Most are boxed, all work and are mint and some of them I bought as the best I could find at the time, including a few from fellow OCUK member @Cavallino

Circa 35 home computers and 10 consoles. Any idea what the marketplace is like right now to save me deep diving? :)
I am happy to put them up here first, only fair, but ideal would be to sell them as a job lot. I paid top money for some of them, buying most around 15 years ago and bidding to I won on eBay to secure. Meant a couple got to silly money now I look back.
Let me know when you’re ready and we can talk turkey :cool:
Excellent! I say we start with the Dardanelles campaign and debate that had the British fleet put proper effort in might they have got to the Bosporous to properly bombard Constantinople :D

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