Current state of OLEDS vs Plasma

7 Sep 2009
So what the current state?
I've been hanging on to my Panasonic GT50 for a number of years now. If you asked this question about a year ago some predicted OLEDS would take 3-4 years before they caught up with the blacks you get from plasmas.

Anyone with first hand experience going from a decent plasma to an OLED? Worth the plunge now?
OLED has overtaken even the top end plasmas (ZT65) within the past year.

What you need to look at is in comparison to OLED:

How good is your current tv?

How big is your current tv?

If you have for instance a 50" GT50 (which is what I have) then your looking at minimum 60" but most likely 65" and prices for those atm are insane. The fact I paid £799 for my tv means I'm looking to pay around £1K for a 60-65" OLED before I upgrade. So I won't be upgrading for another 3-8 years. Doesn't bother me though my 50" GT50 is a beast of a tv and I don't think spending £2K atm is going to be worth it for the slight improvement.

I went from a 42" PZ85B to a 50" GT50 and albeit it was around 5 generations newer the actual PQ improvement was minimal on blu rays. It was on higher refresh rate content you noticed the larger improvements.

When you buy a premium panel that has been reviewed very highly upgrades are extremely hard to find most will be a sideways move rather than a true upgrade. That's why Kuro owners even today still haven't upgraded.

IMO it's still not worth buying an OLED if you own a premium end plasma. If you don't own a decent plasma then you should look into buying an OLED panel. If your plasma is only 42" then yeah you could probably justify a 55-60" OLED panel due to the stark difference in size.

Same tv 50"GT50
So essentially your saying that whilst OLED PQ has surpassed plasmas to notice any significant difference it's only worth getting if one is purchasing a larger screen.

Think I'll wait until they drop to the 1 - 1.2k range which will probably be a while.
You're probably not aware of it but the more they age the more the picture develops a red/green cast on most Panasonic Plasmas. Most people dont experience a lovely neutral picture. Let alone seeing all the shadow/white detail.

Same goes for most "the next new tv".

Personally I'd love to experience an RGB OLED set with a Lumagen.

Mines got a red cast now. I've had to ditch my original settings to using thx as it's less obvious with that.

Short video representing both views in this thread.

I would love a 65" 960v but it's beyond my budget at the moment.
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