Current thermal paste reccomendations?

If you read the most recent comments in the Thermal paste sticky, I would have to say yes. I've never used it myself but it may well be a future purchase.
It's for my gpu, but I think I've got kryonaught on the CPU... Might replace that at the same time as its probably been on there 6+ years
I'm using Thermalright TFX and have been for a couple of years now. It's rated 14.3 W/mk which is much better than most except liquid metal / gallium TIM. While not as easy to apply as some, but when warmed up to about 30c (on warm radiator in winter or in hot water in summer) it's easy to apply .. and with a 8 year working life rating it will last much longer than most of us keep a system. I suspect it will work much longer under normal versus extreme load/heat applications.
I recently did my CPU and GPU with alpenföhn permafrost 2. 13.4 W/mK thermal conductivity and no hassle applying it. Read a Guru3D review on various thermal pastes and they rate it as the best non-liquid metal paste. :)
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