Currently Building Comp and AHHHH!

12 Feb 2006
ok im currently building my computer and oh my gosh what i long job this is going to be. Ill just post a question i have when it comes to it.

First is does the enermax liberty 620W PSU want to be installed with the fan grill pointing up or down in the lian-li v1000 plus?

thanks for the help in advance
ok thanks, i think ill just wait for someone a little bit more experiencded to give advice, as if the fn grill was pointing up it would be blowing into a wall thing bout 1cm away from it so this seems as though it should point down to blow the air out of the system through the grilled holes of the case

next question, what is thermal interface? i just found out i need some for my CPU and i didnt buy any so am iscrewed as it appears the CPU didnt come with any? :(
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so your saying i HAVE to get some thermal paste before installing the CPU. I saw there was some goo type thing on the bottom of the heatsink so i firugred that was it and put it on, but am i going to have to take it off and then go get some?
Bellboy said:
Pretty sure that goo is your thermal paste :)

ok thanks, thats taken a huge weight off my shoulders as i thought id have to now wait a few more days just to get that. ok ill now move on to next step and then reply if which i defiently will have any more quesitons. thanks again
still havent had a for sure answer for this question though. anyone else know?

Does the enermax liberty 620W PSU want to be installed with the fan grill pointing up or down in the lian-li v1000 plus? Putting it up will make it blow into a solid wall and down will blow into the grilled/mesh bottom wall
ok thanks all for help that now in place.

next quesiton is where the heck is all the cables for the floppy drive, DVD drive, and hard drive. I am following this guide:, and sometimes looking at this one: but they dont seem to state where the cables come from. I have plugged in the big cables, the ones that are fin but wide, into the floppy and CD drive, but that is it. I have many spare cables atm and dont know what to do with them. any advice?

also what is the HDD cable? i thought at first this was for the hard drvie but it doesnt fit so im lost with it
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Does anyone know where the cases fan cables plug into the mother board? i found in the MB book that there is 3 3pin places called PWR_FAN, CPU_FAN, CHA_FAN. Now as the CHA_FAN was right next to the rear fan and CHA i beleive to maybe stand for chassis, i plugged the cab;e from the rear of the case fan into this socket, i obviously put the CPU cable the CPU_FAN, and then i tried putting the front of the case fan cable the remaining PWR_FAN however the cab;e was not long enough, and as the power supply still had a 3pin cable to be plugged in i furgured id put that in the last place. Is my confirugration correct? and what about the fan on the front of the case, how does that get power? sorry bout long and unintelligent post :(
ok thanks, that really helped me. So PWR_FAN is for the front fan am i correct? i guess id need to buy an extension cable like suggested as there is no way it'l reach.

I also have this weird looking thing that came with the case which i have no idea what i do what it, i beleive i got an extra floppy drive holster thing, and then there is this almost like a faan but isnt, i can spin the middle black bit but no air flows out, it has silver casing and one end the edge bend out, anyone know what this is and what i do with it, possibly yewen might know?

Lastly i have no plugged everything else up and powered up, however i am gtting a bleep noise. It go every 2 or so seconds, just one beep, like beep............beep...............beep etc etc and i dont know what this is for. In the manual for MB it says one beep means it cant detect master drive, keyboard error, or refresh rate error. However when itake off the side wall and turn it on the graphics card has a red light and it sounds like it is coming from that. Any suggesting as to what i should do?
ok well just to let you all know that i have no finished puting the parts together, they seem to be working correctly as i am able to get into the BIOS. Just about to do that so if i get stuck i will ask questions. thanks for all the help from everyone, couldnt have done it without you
ok guys and gals a new problem has arising, well two new problems but could just be one have arisen.

1. When i start up the PC i get 2 short beeps and then 4 short beeps, which aprarently from reading the MOBO manual it means "Hardware Component Failure". What am i to do to sort this out? is there a way to out the problem and find out what HARDWARE it is from using the PC? It then goes to a screen and says CPU FAN ERROR! Press F1 to Resume. I have plugged the front case fan into the CPU FAN position as it could only reach that one and then put the CPU fan in the PWR_FAN position. I think from what Yewen told me earlier that this means that front fan is something wrong, however it seems to be blowing still.

Next problem is that when i plug my old speakers into the computer they dont seem to work. I have gone to control panel and it says that no speakers can be found. What could have gone wrong to make this work, i dont think i plug in any cables when making this RIG as i thought the speakers wouldnt need anything extra because of the positiont there were in on the MOBO. What can i do?
well i have put the CPU fan back and unplugged the front fan as Yewen said its not highyl needed when not OCing, but it still makes the 2beeps then 4quic beeps noise

How would i install the sound, i havent got a seperate sound card, just the 6channel one it came with. My speakers are just 2 little old LABTEC speakers so i dont think i have a CD to install software.
well i put in the CD for ASUS once again and i couldnt find any audio things to install so i explored the CD and found a folder called AUDIO. I went into this and found a shortcut that sais ASUS SETUP which i clicked and it then come up with an error messege saying: "Does not support this operatin system: WNY_5.1P_MCE

now my problem is i have no idea what the heck this means. Can anyone give any advice

sorry about before not being quiet informative about my system, yes the system im using is the one in my Sig
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