Curse of the golden flower

16 Feb 2006
Anyone seen it?

Saw it last night and although the girlfriend hated it (not enough action blah blah) and i kind of agree with why, i was still drawn into and rather liked it.
Zefan said:
I read the title as "Curse of the golden shower"

then read this

Sorry :o

:rolleyes: :D You people

SiD the Turtle said:
Looks like another very pretty film
She said that also, i cant understand why she didnt like it but then again she likes stupid American high school style films so :rolleyes:
jay chou - you stole 2 hours of my life, i want them back.

he was bad enough in intial D he was terrible in this - stick to singing pretty boy.
watched it 3 times, absolute pap.

poor story imho. and the voices sound completey out compared to characters.
I think I'll have to watch this again.

I found the first hour or so very hard going; ok, it's great to look at but you need more than that for a film to be engaging.

The second half of the film was better in that there's some action sequences and I must admit, I liked Chow Yun Fat as a bad(ish) guy.
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