Custom Case (Community Idea - Help out with advice) (Car Rim build)

8 Oct 2017
So i have been thinking about bespoke pc cases and then i saw this



Which started to make me want to do a project like this, so i have a plan but some advice or info would be really useful, i will write my current idea/steps in a spoiler below

Standard rim size so about 18 inchs with a depth of 9 inchs

Step 1 - Remove side panel from View 27 to use to mount to back board (tower dimensions according to manufacture 7.9in meaning should fit)

Step 2 - Find a way of mounting the side panel to back plate (?)

Step 3 - Rivit hinge to backplate and inside of rim (ensuring a snug fit when closed)

Step 4 - Find way of cutting hole for radiator/cooling (cut hole on side of rim for radiator)

Step 5 - Find way to secure radiator so it don't move (but can be removed it needed)

Step 6 - Find a way to secure power supply so it don't move (maybe like a brace?)

Step 7 - Cut hole for ports (dvi/hmdi/usb that would normally be on back of tower)

Notes -
Most rims are made from aluminium meaning static build up should not be an issue but should i fit some anti static material on the backplate?

Due to the Rim being open airflow should not be an issue so the radiator should be sufficient enough to keep temps down?

PC Parts - LINK
New plan after talking with some friend check spoiler

Step 1 - Get backplate cut to a circle with minimal play (eg right size mm shaved) (including holes for cables eg mouse,keyboard,input (dvi/HMDI), headset (mic,headset jacks), Powersupply etc, Powerswitch)

Step 2 - Drill small holes and place Anchor inside with gorrilia glue (strong glue)

Step 3 - Place motherboard risers inside

Step 4 - Place motherboard onto risers as normal

Step 5 - Cut radiator with a snug fit, find way to attach radiator maybe like bracket system in photo

Step 6 - Install CPU (including bracket for radiator) ,Ram etc onto motherboard

Step 7 - Attach Radiator to CPU

Step 8 - Connect all cables (cable mangement) (cut holes in backplate to hide cables)

Step 9 - Test PC

Step 10 - Play away

Notes -
Most rims are made from aluminium meaning static build up should not be an issue but should i fit some anti static material on the backplate? - using risers and wooden blackplate would stop this

Due to the Rim being open airflow should not be an issue so the radiator should be sufficient enough to keep temps down?

Backplate - Made from wood (maybe a black wood)

Backplate - drill hole place anchor and the place riser into the hole, mount motherboard to that

Mounting SSD - hidden away on back of backplate

Example for Radiator fitting

Example for Anchor and Riser @0:48

Measurements -
Diameter of backboard would be 16.? to have a nice fit but not tight

ATX motherboard dimensions = 12 × 9.6 in (305 × 244 mm)

Spare left for SSD mounts/Cable routes = about 7inchs

Power switch ideas -

Wirless key -

Military style -

Example for Military style switch
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