custom google maps

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

A couple of groups I am involved with would like to create a custom google map with areas of interest on them, add information, photos etc. that is open for all in the groups to edit but closed to outsiders.

How difficult is something like this?
In the last couple of days I learnt enough cherrypy to set up a web server, enough JavaScript to decipher some online examples and enough google maps API to start displaying some custom polygons and text labels on google maps.

Some stuff is very easy, some things that should be easy are strangely very difficult. There are lots of example online which helps, although I did find a lot of the example code did not work.

Spent 3 hours his father noon trying to get a few back things working with no luck, on the flip side yesterday I had some tricker things to do and that took 30minutes.

Adding basic markers, lines, and polygons to google maps is dead easy, copy and paste from some example. Having multiple labels was strangely very difficult !
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