Custom NAS

14 Apr 2003

I am currently converting my music to FLAC and will possibly be doing my DVDs to ISO images at some stage. I have been looking at a NAS that can install slimserver but they seem few and far between.

Therefore I wanted to know how feasible it is to build a linux server to store/share my content. My requirements are as follows:

Small - it has to be as small as possible
Quiet - might have to live in someones bedroom so I want it to be quiet (well, I guess they do :p)
Energy efficient - save the planet etc etc

My idea is to have a small server which I can just attach external drives to as and when I need them. I have looked at micro-itx cases but these seem to have tiny PSUs which I guess wont be able to power a lot of HDDs?

Has anyone tried something similar, in which case what did you end up doing?
I have been racking my brains over this for ages now and i have gone from a NAS to a file server/linux box to a full blown HTPC and now im thinking I might just get an external hard drive and save the money!!
im still caught in 4 minds here...

Being the scientist that I am, I want to do some experiments on the power consumption of NASs, micro-itx and a custom linux box. That is my main concern as I wish to leave the storage device on full time. Apparently, normal PCs don't use much power and that would provide me with much more flexibility in terms of making it silent, storage space and performance - which is needed for the latest version of SlimServer.

anyone have any decent figures that show the different power consumptions of NASs and PCs?
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