Custom wiring

10 Apr 2014
im thinking im going to need to do some custom wiring for my build, there arent many options for cable management with the thermaltake core x2.

Could anyone recommend the best quality parts to use?
It's one of the most boring things you'll ever do, enjoy :)

Put the order in lastnight:

Pair Of cutters and crimpers , 100 male/female molex pins (200 total) because its better to have more just incase. 30 meters of wire and 32 meters sleeving. Gonna have to use the connecters from the psu lol.
Much better to use the PSU ones - I actually reused the wire from them too as they are mostly too long.

The reason for custom wiring. Incase anyone wonders the marking on the tubes are for the order they go in by in the loop
Just a thought are you going to be making extensions or actual psu cables? as some such as evga psu cables have 2 into 1 wires if youre not already aware.

Deffinitly not extensions for the psu, i dont need to turn the jungle of wires into a rain-forest. Im going to do extensions for the fans though . Got to make them longer so i can tuck them away.
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