Customising Dell XPS laptops

5 May 2011
Hi all.

I was considering purchasing a Dell XPS 15 as I thought they where quite good judging from reviews and the specs they listed for the machine. However when I went to order one from the Dell website I checked the specs only to find they had changed to something considerably worse - i3 processor? 350Gb HDD? (Still the same price tag though:mad:)

I read that you can get different versions of the Dell XPS or even customise the specs yourself. But after checking the Dell website - nothing. Only customisation was stuff like accident insurance/ 'useless' junk like that. Anyone have an idea where I can pick up an XPS with a sandybridge i5 etc, or how I can find the page to customise one myself?
I can't see how?

I just went onto Dell's home site, and did this: "For Home" - > "Laptops and Minis" - > scroll down and click on "XPS 15" under popular laptops, then "Customise", at which point you can choose all the specifics including CPU, RAM, GPU, screen and so on.

Starts at £740 though, and the better screen is £170 extra...

Edit: woops - hadn't realised this was 6 days old. Probably a bit late...
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