Cutting a hole in a side window??

17 Dec 2004

Thinking of replacing my x1800xt with a 1900 and putting a vf900 to make it quite but hear that they still don't lower the temps a lot. So was thinking I should put a fan into the side of my Silverstone in sig to cool the x1900 abit more. So whats the best way to cut a 120mm hole into plastic? Or should i go with a 90/80mm fan instead?

i done the same with my 'Thermaltake VA8000BWS'... it wasnt as easy as i thought at the start... first off, i wanted to get a better air flow within the case to cool my 7900 xxx's (those on sli create a desert).... so anyway, i had to check several things before even cutting the hole came into play. for example, u need to know where the cable for the fan will be sat, will it be long enough, the larger the fan the easier is what i found out...

as for cutting the hole, i just used a drill, and a blade from the hacksaw. i drilled 3 holes on point of a 120mm circle i drew (drill inside the line, not on the circle line...) i used a large drill bit so i could get the hacksaw blade in. after i cut the holes, i simply cut half a cm on the inside of the circle line so i then had a hole, but only about 110mm wide... for a very good reason :P after i had this disgustin rough uncomplete hole, i grabbed some thick sand paper and some fine, started sanding away the inside all around until i got very close to the circle, then useds the fine sand paper to get right on the 120mm circle.... BUT, its not over yet, after that, i lined up the fan i was going to use (a basic akasa 120mm fan) got happy with the position and got a marke, stubbed it through the scew holes so it left 4 dots for the screws, chose the right size drill bit and drilled away.

after all that, i realised something... the plastic against plastic will eventualy start vibrating everytime one screw becomes slightly loose, so my last part of the mod was to simply buy some mini rubber rings, simple... yet affective (u can guess where the rubber rings go.. if not, im worried.... it goes on the side of where the tip of the screw is facing...)

screwed it all in place nice n firmly, plugged it in my mobo, ran it up, fan controller at the front recognised it and im able to control its speed, just like a pre built case fan... and all in all, it cost me 7-10 quid... (long love for OcUk ;) )

hope this helped ..... regards, fresh :cool:
no problem..... little tip... take the side off :P my dumb*** mate whent to cut a hole in his mid tower after i told him how to, and the muppt stuck the drill bit through the metal side and heard a crunch, went into his mobo and churned it up like a stew.... i laughed hard and mean lol

also.... try do it outside... the last thing you need is loose particles of plastic dust floating around your machine... this is why i applied a tiny amount of oil around the holes edge after smoothing.....

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