Cutting a picture out from a background

5 Sep 2013
Hi guys, I am having a problem with this picture i took today :

Could anyone please assist me in cutting it out as i have no idea how to get it off this background, i think if it was a proper green screen it would have helped but its so hard with this one

Thank you again
It's a very soft image, even with a green screen it would still have issues because of the blur between the background and the subject. What type of background are you trying to put it on as that will make a difference in how to cut/adjust the lighting on the subject to fit in better. If the replacement background is also dark it would be a lot easier but white/light will be a struggle.
This :-
Personally I just use the background eraser tool with varies levels of zoom. Can take some time though.

I had a play about with usual green screeen methods in PS but the background is just too uneven. The lady's top gets sucked into the colour range when you try and capture all the background coours.

As the image is so soft it's going to be a real pain erasing round the little girl's hair

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Couldn't resist a challenge

Click on the image and it'll link you to the original and you can download from there.

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Nice work Pooh, how did you go about it?

If it were me, I would have created a vector mask in PS and kept the gaps between points as small as possible for accuracy, but it would have taken a while.

What method did you use?

I toyed with masking but the hair was so soft it wouldn’t really work.

Ended up breaking out the tablet and pen and spent a bit of time with the eraser tool adding on several layers from the original so I could keep the best bits for the work I did on each layer.

The image looks OK but close up you can see where it’s been fudged.
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