Cyberpunk 2077 - Crashes to desktop every 15-20 minutes.

I don't overclock guys so just standard settings on CPU and GPU.

I'm in a whatsapp group with 5 other guys and everyone is crashing, we all have different GPU's like 1060, 1080, 2080 etc and every person in the group is crashing. This is so bad!

I've searched forums, tried about 5 fixes so far, nothing has helped.
Just on an off chance, has anyone of you tried to revert to the previous driver ? Read in the Cyberpunk thread that the 1080 seemed to have problem with they newest one, although you having another GPU, might be worth a shoot if not tried it ?

Good idea, I updated to new drivers today but probably should have ran the game on old driver first to see if it was stable, silly me.

Thanks for that, I'll try that next.

If that doesn't work I'm going to reinstall.

I've played 3.5 hours and I'm in love with this game! But the crashing is ruining the experience for me.
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